Hi, I'm using Imaging pro 16.5 and Delphi(use CDll), i want to Converts a Image(rgb,Jpg,24bits) from sRGB space(Embedded) to AdobeRGB space,I use L_LoadBitmap to Load the image , get a value Pbitmap (type:pBITMAPHANDLE ), now Pbitmap.BytesPerLine=4728 , Clearly its a aligned by 4 bytes, so i call L_ClrConvertToBitmap(ClrHandle,pBitmap.pData,@pBitmap,sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE),pBitmap.Width,pBitmap.Height,4,4) , but the Results image is error, i try to call L_ClrConvertToBitmap(ClrHandle,pBitmap.pData,@pBitmap,sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE),pBitmap.Width,pBitmap.Height,0,3) , oh,the Results image is very well .
why ???