This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:35:52 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 32
Dazed and confused - Leadtools 15 C++ Libraries
I have a JPEG image with the following FileInfo
- fi {uStructSize=1640 Format=98 Name=0x0046f550 "acg01136hr_concrete_shingles08.jpg" ...} _FILEINFOA
uStructSize 1640 unsigned int
Format 98 int
+ Name 0x0046f550 "acg01136hr_concrete_shingles08.jpg" char [512]
Width 3600 int
Height 3600 int
BitsPerPixel 24 int
SizeDisk 5205577 long
SizeMem 38880000 long
+ Compression 0x0046f764 "JPEG" char [20]
ViewPerspective 1 int
Order 1 int
PageNumber 1 int
TotalPages 1 int
XResolution 300 int
YResolution 300 int
Flags 8196 unsigned int
GlobalLoop 0 unsigned int
GlobalWidth 3600 int
GlobalHeight 3600 int
GlobalBackground 0 unsigned long
+ GlobalPalette 0x0046f7a4 {rgbBlue=0 rgbGreen=0 rgbRed=0 ...} tagRGBQUAD [256]
IFD 0 unsigned long
Layers 0 int
ColorSpace 1 int
As you can see is a little over 5MB on the disk. if I open it and then save it the saved version is 3X. What am I missing
memset(&fi, 0, sizeof(FILEINFO));
L_INT error;
if ((error = L_FileInfo("D:\\Jobs (D)\\4SCR\\6993\\acg01136hr_concrete_shingles08.jpg",&fi,sizeof(fi),0,NULL)) != SUCCESS)
return 0;
if ((error = L_LoadBitmap("D:\\Jobs (D)\\4SCR\\6993\\acg01136hr_concrete_shingles08.jpg", &bh, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE), 0, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL)) != SUCCESS)
return 0;
if ((error = L_SaveFile("D:\\Jobs (D)\\4SCR\\6993\\save.jpg", &bh, FILE_JPEG_RGB, 24, 0, 0 , NULL, NULL, NULL)) != SUCCESS)
return 0;
Thanks in advance
Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:41:49 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 32
I should have mentioned I want the to have the quality of the orginal.
I select PQ1 but it does like that setting.
Friday, August 20, 2010 12:24:05 PM(UTC)
Groups: Tech Support
Posts: 366
Thanks: 1 times
Was thanked: 4 time(s) in 4 post(s)
Do you see this same issue when saving with the pre-compiled C++ Class Library demo that ships with the SDK?
What quality factors have you tried when saving this file? Please note that the qFactor valud can range from 2-255, with 2 being the least compressed (and largest file size) and 255 being the most compressed (smallest file size).
The quality factor can be set with the SAVEFILEOPTION structure, which is then passed into the L_SaveFile method as the last parameter.
Also, could you provide a sample file with which you're testing this so we can try this here as well?
Walter Bates
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

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