Imaging SDK Questions
Re: Store coordinates of zoomed image and load those coordinates for other images
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:56:42 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 40
Thanks: 5 times
Im using vb.net and LT v17
In WindowsForm using RasterImageViewer
I need to capture the coordinates of an loaded image in Rasterimageviewer and then calling those coordinates when i load another image in Rasterimageviewer.
any help is appreciated
Best regards
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 5:14:00 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 40
Thanks: 5 times
Probably i found the solution.
I capure the coordinates in this way:
Dim trans As New Transformer(RasterImageViewer1.Transform)
Dim rectF As New RectangleF(CSng(RasterImageViewer1.ClientRectangle.X), CSng(RasterImageViewer1.ClientRectangle.Y), CSng(RasterImageViewer1.ClientRectangle.Width), CSng(RasterImageViewer1.ClientRectangle.Height))
rectF = trans.RectangleToLogical(rectF)
rectF contain X, Y, Width, Height
RasterImageViewer1.ScaleFactor contain the ZoomFactor
Now i load the other image on this way:
TxtBoxX_R, TxtBoxY_R, TxtBoxW_R, TxtBoxH_R are the captured coordinates and TxtBoxZ_R zoom factor.
Dim viewer As RasterImageViewer = RasterImageViewer1 ' get the active viewer
Dim Rect As New Rectangle(CInt(TxtBoxX_R), CInt(TxtBoxY_R), CInt(TxtBoxW_R), CInt(TxtBoxH_R))
Dim trans As New Transformer(viewer.Transform)
Dim RectF As New RectangleF(Rect.X, Rect.Y, Rect.Width, Rect.Height)
RectF = trans.RectangleToPhysical(RectF)
'Dim viewer As RasterImageViewer = RasterImageViewer1 ' get the active viewer
Dim center As PointF = New PointF(RectF.Left + CInt(RectF.Width / 2), RectF.Top + CInt(RectF.Height / 2)) ' get the center of what you see in physical coordinates
Dim t As Transformer = New Transformer(viewer.Transform)
center = t.PointToLogical(center) ' get the center of what you see in logical coordinates
' zoom
Dim scaleFactor As Double = CDbl(TxtBoxZ_R)
viewer.ScaleFactor = scaleFactor
' bring the original center into the view center
t = New Transformer(viewer.Transform)
center = t.PointToPhysical(center) ' get the center of what you saw before the zoom in physical coordinates
viewer.CenterAtPoint(Point.Round(center)) ' bring the old center into the center of the view
Friday, November 19, 2010 12:34:48 PM(UTC)
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Do you want to get the coordinates of the image area that is visible? You can just get the ScrollPosition and multiply it by the ScaleFactor. That will give you the X and Y position, and then you can get the size of the RasterImageViewer and multiply it by the ScaleFactor to get the width and the height.
Imaging SDK Questions
Re: Store coordinates of zoomed image and load those coordinates for other images
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