Thanks again for all of your help. I think I have everything working properly except I am trying to find a function that I can use to calculate the pixels from the separated files. I have taken a slice of the 8bit image file from the LBitmapWindow, copied into a LBitmap and separated the files into CMYK LBitmap files. I now have the 4 separated files into 8bit LBitmap files. I just wanted to find out if there is a way for me to get the number of pixels in that separated file that are the cyan, magenta, or yellow colors? For example in that separated cyan LBitmap image I have how many are cyan bits? I have tried with the GetStatisticsInfo(), but not sure if that is giving me the data I want. Below is a small example of what I have tried. Thanks again.
LBitmap ColorPlanes[4]; /* Array of bitmap handles */
L_INT nRet = m_MyBitmap.ColorSeparate(ColorPlanes, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE), COLORSEP_CMYK);
if( nRet == SUCCESS )
STATISTICSINFO CyanStats, MagStats, YellowStats, BlackStats, AllStats;
nRet = ColorPlanes[0].GetStatisticsInfo(&CyanStats,CHANNEL_MASTER, 0, 255);
nRet = ColorPlanes[1].GetStatisticsInfo(&MagStats,CHANNEL_MASTER, 0, 255);
nRet = ColorPlanes[2].GetStatisticsInfo(&YellowStats,CHANNEL_MASTER, 0, 255);
nRet = ColorPlanes[3].GetStatisticsInfo(&BlackStats,CHANNEL_MASTER, 0, 255);
CString sCyan;
sCyan.Format("Dev:%.2f, Mean:%.2f, Med:%i, Max:%i, Min:%i",
CyanStats.dStdDev, CyanStats.dMean, CyanStats.nMedian, CyanStats.nMax, CyanStats.nMin );