This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
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Posts: 10
I need to let the user to draw a line over ltmmCapture and ltmmPlayback control when playing the software.
This line will be defined by cursor's position when clicking on dragging mouse while mouse's button pressed.
This line should be mantained drawn on image after being painted, while playing video or capturing.
Thank you very much,
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You can try to use the LEAD Video Callback filter which will call a method on a user callback interface each time it receives a frame. This can be used to retrieve the image data for each frame and you can then use image processing (for example our Imaging toolkits) to draw on the stream.
There are Video Callback demos for different languages. They are installed here:
Visual Basic 6:
The details depend on which LEADTOOLS version (15, 16, etc.) and programming language you are using.
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Posts: 10
When trying to run CallBack example in VB6, a library is missing: Run-time error '53': File not found: LTDLGKRNu
I will try this example in VB .NET to see if it works.
Can i solve this problem?
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Andreu,<br>The Callback and the DrawOnVideo demos use our Image processing toolkits to manipulate the video frames returned by the callback filters. If you want to run these sample demos, you need to download the main Document Imaging toolkit from our website at<br><br>
Groups: Registered
Posts: 10
Even though we have MM17, DVD, ... in order to draw a line on video image we need to buy an add-on Callback filter, right?
But the drawing utitlities are not included. What should we add to be to draw lines over live/played video image?
Thank you
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In order to implement the features you're after, you would need to purchase the following:
1.) Multimedia SDK
2.) Video Callback filter
3.) Document Imaging SDK
You would need the Multimedia SDK and video callback filter for either capturing or playing back the media. With the video callback, you would be given direct access to the image data within the control. With this, you could modify the image data directly with your own image processing, or use the data to display the data in something else (e.g. the LEADTOOLS .NET RasterImageViewer).
The DrawOnVideo .NET example noted previously uses a combination of the LEADTOOLS RasterImageViewer and the Annotation support provided with the Document Imaging SDK to allow you to draw on the video with various annotations such as the AnnLine and AnnNote objects.
The multimedia controls themselves do not allow you to draw on or over the image. You would need to either do the drawing directly in the image data with the callback, or paint over the rendered data with something like annotations.
If you have questions regarding the pricing/licensing of this, please contact our Sales team at for more information.
Walter Bates
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

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