Combine Powerful Speech Recognition and Document Editing

Posted on 2022-08-25 11:01:53 by Katie

Speech Recognition

The LEADTOOLS Document Editor is a powerful zero-footprint editing solution for web applications. Now with speech recognition, the Editor enables users to transcribe audio to text, edit the result, and save to one of many formats including PDF, DOCX, and TXT. No server computing required! All of this functionality is performed locally in the browser eliminating any issues that slow network connections cause for web applications.

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Parse, Edit, and Save PDF Form Fields

Posted on 2022-08-18 22:18:07 by Katie


Many developers building document viewing solutions often have to load and edit PDF form field data. For programmers who use the LEADTOOLS PDF SDK or the LEADTOOLS Document Viewer SDK this is an easy task! With minimal code, developers leveraging LEADTOOLS can easily provide users an interface to load and enter data into PDF form fields and then save the PDF.

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Automatically Recognize Invoices from Different Vendors using C#

Posted on 2022-08-16 by Ryan Fritz


When working in a paperless office, businesses receive hundreds of different forms and invoices from different vendors. It is often a major pain point and bottleneck to manually find, extract, and store all the necessary information. Thankfully with the LEADTOOLS Document SDK and our patented Forms Recognition technology, everything can be easily automated to improve workflow productivity and efficiency.

With LEADTOOLS, users need only to create templates, also known as master forms, for each of the different invoices or form types. These master forms are then stored in a repository and used to automatically recognize which type of filled form is currently being processed.

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Optimize a PDF in C# and Java

Posted on 2022-08-01 13:18:04 by Jake Little

Depending on your needs and data type, the term "optimize" can have several meanings. It can mean to optimize the size of the PDF file or it can mean to organize the data within the PDF file for a specific purpose such as web viewing. Thankfully with LEADTOOLS, several PDF optimization methods are available depending on your situation.
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V22 Update - Forms Enhancements and New Speech Recognition

Posted on 2022-07-20 13:46:06 by Halah Villalobos

Whats New in V22

Yes - you read that right! LEADTOOLS Version 22 has another update available with even more enhancements and features added throughout our product line! Last year, V22 was released introducing our new Document Editor SDK, new ID Reader SDK, and included numerous updates within the LEADTOOLS toolkit. Then earlier this year, we added PDF Form Field Support, updated automatic noise removal, added Document Editor support for data streaming, and optimized Java document service caching.

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