Split Pages from PDFs in C#

The other day, I received a PDF that was almost 50 pages long. After I received the PDF, it turns out that I only needed to keep 4 of those pages on file. Using the LEADTOOLS PDF SDK, I was able to add PDF extraction libraries and extract those 4 pages. This only took 10 lines of code to create while other APIs and libraries can take up to 40 lines of complex code.

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Data Capture, Recognition, Exchange & More in Today’s Remote Work World

Organizations all over the world are quickly adapting to their employees working remotely right now. Many programmers are hurrying to develop solutions to help keep teams working and exchanging information in effective new ways. Luckily, LEADTOOLS can help. LEAD is going on 30 years of providing developers with the code they need to hit the ground running and now is no exception.

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Posted in Document Imaging, Forms Recognition and Processing, General, Medical Imaging, Multimedia Imaging, News, OCR | 1 Comment

Read and Write Barcodes in .NET – Demo Project on Github!

New to LEADTOOLS? We’ve added some specific demos to GitHub to make it easier for you get started using our SDKs. We’re going to highlight some of these in various blog posts over the next few weeks. First up, our Barcode demo for .NET. Powered by LEADTOOLS machine learning engine, the LEADTOOLS Barcode libraries provide a fast, robust, and easy-to-use API to detect, read, and write 1D and 2D barcodes.

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LEAD Receives ComponentSource Awards for Continued Success

What better way to start off a new decade than with partner recognition of LEAD’s success within the marketplace? We are excited to announce that LEAD Technologies has, once again, received both top product and top publisher awards from ComponentSource. Partnered with LEAD since 1996, ComponentSource serves thousands of LEADTOOLS customers everywhere outside of North America. The awards given out by ComponentSource are based on sales from the previous year. This year, LEAD earned a spot in the top 25 for publishers and our Document Imaging SDK was found to be a top 100 product.

Publisher Award

• LEAD Technologies – Top 25 Publisher

Product Award

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDK – Top 100 Product

See For Yourself!

Not using LEADTOOLS Yet? Make sure to get the latest LEADTOOLS SDK for free straight from our site and see for yourself why LEAD has earned these top spots. This evaluation SDK is good for 60 days and comes with unlimited chat and email support.

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Create and Extract PDF Bookmarks in .NET

PDF bookmarks are extremely helpful when working with PDF files with a lot of content. Adding bookmarks provides a better user experience for the reader. No one wants to spend time searching through pages and pages of text looking for specific headers and sub-headers just so they can find what they’re looking for. The LEADTOOLS PDF SDK libraries give developers functions to create PDF bookmarks as well as extract PDF bookmark information.

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