Once again, LEAD Technologies is proud to be a part of the 9th annual National Health IT Week (September 15 - 19, 2014). Last year, over 375 organizations participated and 2014 is projected to have over 400 partners. LEAD Technologies joins with the other hundreds of companies around the country to celebrate progress and add to the conversation of how Health Information Technology is growing and improving people's health.
At its core, healthcare is performed by the many great doctors, nurses, EMTs, radiologists, and more that are directly serving their patients. However, every great front-line worker has a great supporting cast, within which Health IT gets to play a major role. The successful application of medicine and care is greatly enhanced through Electronic Health Records (EHR), Picture Archival and Communication Systems (PACS), advanced imaging technologies, infrastructure and so on. These important pieces of the overall healthcare system provide improved patient safety, fewer medical errors, earlier detection, and stronger patient/provider relationships.