CellWidth property (ILEADRasterDlgImgEfx)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long CellWidth


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs


Gets or sets the cell width value.

The CellWidth property is associated with the following dialog boxes:

Pixelate dialog box:

In this case it represents the width of a rectangular cell, the number of rectangular cells present across the width of the bitmap, the number of cells around the center point of a circular cell, or the length in degrees of each cell around the center point of a circular cell, based on the flags set in ImageEffectFlags property. For more information on the different types of information contained in this member, refer to Pixelate method.

Picturize dialog box:

In this case it represents the width of the images used to reconstruct the image. Possible values range from 1 to BitmapWidth property.

See Also


ShowPixelateDlg method, ShowPicturizeDlg method, CellHeight property, Opacity property, CenterX property, CenterY property, DirectoryPath property