FillColor property (ILEADRasterDlgImgEfx)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example





Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs


Gets or sets the color used to fill any exposed areas.

The FillColor property is associated with the following dialog boxes:

FreeHandWave dialog box

Polar dialog box

ZoomWave dialog box

RadialWave dialog box

Wave dialog box

WaveShear dialog box

Punch dialog box

Ripple dialog box

Bending dialog box

Spherize dialog box

See Also


ShowFreeHandWaveDlg, ShowPolarDlg, ShowZoomWaveDlg, ShowRadialWaveDlg method, ShowWaveDlg method, ShowWaveShearDlg method, ShowPunchDlg method, ShowRippleDlg method, ShowBendingDlg method, ShowSpherizeDlg method, Amplitudes property, AmplitudesCount property, Scale property, WaveLength property, Angle property, Amplitude property, Frequency property, Phase property, ZoomFactor property, CenterX property, CenterY property, HorizontalScale property, VerticalScale property, Value property, Stress property, Attenuation property