Angle property (ILEADRasterDlgImgEfx)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long Angle


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs


Gets or sets the Angle value. This property is associated with the following dialog boxes:

MotionBlur dialog box:

In this case it represents the direction of the motion, in hundredths of a degree (+/-). Possible values range from -36000 to 36000. If the value is positive, the motion will be clockwise. If the value is negative, the motion is counter-clockwise.

FreeHandWave dialog box:

In this case it represents the wave rotation angle, in hundredths of a degree. Possible values range from –36000 to 36000. Negative values rotate the wave counter-clockwise; positive values rotate the wave clockwise.

Wind dialog box:

In this case it represents the angle of the thin lines used to create the wind effect, in hundredths of a degree. Possible values range from –36000 to 36000.

Swirl dialog box:

In this case it represents the degree of rotation. This value is in degrees from -4000 to 4000.

Wave dialog box:

In this case it represents the wave’s rotation angle in hundredths of degrees. The valid range is from –18000 to 18000 (The value in degrees is Angle divided by 100).

See Also


ShowMotionBlurDlg, ShowFreeHandWaveDlg, ShowWindDlg, ShowSwirlDlg, ShowWaveDlg, Dimension property, EnableUnidirectional property, Amplitudes property, AmplitudesCount property, Scale property, WaveLength property, Opacity property, CenterX property, CenterY property, FillColor property, Amplitude property, HorizontalScale property, VerticalScale property