LEADDlgImgDoc Control

This control supports the following properties, methods and events for the LEAD Image Document dialogs:


BlackAreaColor property

BorderPercent property

BorderToRemove property

DlgFlags property

DocCleanBitmap property

EnableMethodErrors property

Error property

ErrorMsg property

GapLength property

LEADDlgService property

LEADImage property

Length property

Lightness property

Location property

MaxBlackPercent property

MaxDotHeight property

MaxDotWidth property

MaxHoleCount property

MaxHoleHeight property

MaxHoleWidth property

MaxLineWidth property

MaxWallPercent property

MinBlackPercent property

MinDotHeight property

MinDotWidth property

MinHoleCount property

MinHoleHeight property

MinHoleWidth property

MinInvertHeight property

MinInvertWidth property

MinLineLength property

ModificationColor property

NewColor property

ProcessFlags property

RemoveFlags property

ShowHelpButton property

Threshold property

Variance property

Wall property

WhiteAreaColor property

WhiteNoiseLength property

ZoomToFit property


ShowBorderRemoveDlg method

ShowDotRemoveDlg method

ShowHolePunchRemoveDlg method

ShowInvertedTextDlg method

ShowLineRemoveDlg method

ShowRemoveRedeyeDlg method

ShowSmoothDlg method


OnDlgHelp event