Examining a Digital Signature Example for C#

public string GetFormatted(string sValue, short nWidth)
   string tempGetFormatted = null;
   tempGetFormatted = sValue;
   while (tempGetFormatted.Length < nWidth)
      tempGetFormatted = "0" + tempGetFormatted;
   return tempGetFormatted;

public void ExamineSignature(LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS objDS, int hSignatureItem)
   short nRet = 0;
   // Verify the Digital Signature; if hSignatureItem is 0, the method will
   // verify all the Digital Signatures that exist in the Data Set
   nRet = objDS.VerifySignature(0);
   switch ( nRet )
   case (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS:
         if (hSignatureItem != 0)
            MessageBox.Show("The Digital Signature was verified.", "Sample");
            MessageBox.Show("All Digital Signatures were verified (if there are any).", "Sample");
   case (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE:
         if (hSignatureItem != 0)
            MessageBox.Show("The Digital Signature is invalid.", "Sample");
            MessageBox.Show("At least one Digital Signature is invalid.", "Sample");
         MessageBox.Show("An error occurred [Error: " + nRet + "].", "Sample");
   string sMsg = null;
   // The Digital Signature UID
   if (objDS.GetSignatureUID() == (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS)
      if (objDS.StringValueCount > 0)
         sMsg = "Digital Signature UID: " + objDS.get_StringValues(0) + System.Environment.NewLine;
   // The Digital Signature DateTime string sSign = null;
   if (objDS.GetSignatureDateTime() == (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS)
      if (objDS.DateTimeValueCount > 0)
         if (objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Offset >= 0)
             sSign = "+";
          sSign = "-";
         short tempnWidth1 = 2;
         short tempnWidth2 = 2;
         short tempnWidth3 = 4;
         short tempnWidth4 = 2;
         short tempnWidth5 = 2;
         short tempnWidth6 = 2;
         short tempnWidth7 = 6;
         short tempnWidth8 = 4;
         sMsg = sMsg + "Digital Signature DateTime: " + GetFormatted(System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Month), tempnWidth1) + "/" + GetFormatted(System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Day), tempnWidth2) + "/" + GetFormatted(System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Year), tempnWidth3) + " " + GetFormatted(System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Hours), tempnWidth4) + ":" + GetFormatted(System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Minutes), tempnWidth5) + ":" + GetFormatted(System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Seconds), tempnWidth6) + "." + GetFormatted(System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Fractions), tempnWidth7) + " " + sSign + GetFormatted(System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_DateTimeValues(0).Offset), tempnWidth8) + System.Environment.NewLine;
   // The MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID
   if (objDS.GetMacTransferSyntax() == (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS)
      if (objDS.StringValueCount > 0)
          sMsg = sMsg + "MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID: " + objDS.get_StringValues(0) + System.Environment.NewLine;
   // The MAC Algorithm
   if (objDS.GetMacAlgorithm() == (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS)
      if (objDS.StringValueCount > 0)
          sMsg = sMsg + "MAC Algorithm: " + objDS.get_StringValues(0) + System.Environment.NewLine;
   // The Data Elements Signed string
   sGroup = null;
   string sTag = null;
   string sElement = null;
   if (objDS.GetSignedElementsCount() > 0)
      sMsg = sMsg + "Data Elements Signed: ";
      // We will display only one
      if (objDS.MoveSignedElement(0) == (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS)
         sTag = System.Convert.ToString(objDS.get_CurrentElement().Tag, 16).ToUpper();
         sElement = sTag.Substring(sTag.Length - 4);
         sGroup = sTag.Substring(0, sTag.Length - 4);
         short tempnWidth9 = 4;
         sMsg = sMsg + "(" + GetFormatted(sGroup, tempnWidth9) + "," + sElement + "), ...";
      sMsg = sMsg + System.Environment.NewLine;
   sMsg = sMsg + System.Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to save the Certificate of Signer?";
   // Display the information we have about the Digital Signature
   if (MessageBox.Show(sMsg, "Sample", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
      // Save the Certificate of Signer
      objDS.SaveCertificate("C:\\CertOfSigner.cer", LTDICLib.DicomCertificateFormat.DICOM_CERTIFICATE_FORMAT_PEM);