MoveSignedElement method (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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short MoveSignedElement(long lIndex);


Refer to Working with Digital Signatures.


The MoveSignedElement method updates the CurrentElement property with the signed Data Element, at the specified index, that is covered by the Digital Signature specified by the CurrentElement property. The CurrentElement property must be updated with the corresponding Digital Signatures Sequence Item before calling the method.

The Digital Signatures Sequence Item of a Digital Signature should reference an Item under the MAC Parameters Sequence associated with the Digital Signatures Sequence. The Data Elements Signed (0400,0020) under the referenced MAC Parameters Sequence Item specifies the Tags of the Data Elements covered by the Digital Signature. These Data Elements should be located at the same level as the MAC Parameters Sequence and the Digital Signatures Sequence.

The GetSignedElementsCount method returns the number of signed Data Elements as specified by the Data Elements Signed (0400,0020). The MoveSignedElement method searches the level at which the Message Authentication Code (MAC) Parameters Sequence appears for the Data Element with the Tag determined by the passed index and updates the CurrentElement property with the Data Element if it does exist; if it doesn’t exist, the method returns DICOM_ERROR_PARAMETER.

Note: In addition to the Data Elements specified by the Data Elements Signed (0400,0020), certain Data Elements under the Digital Signatures Sequence Item are always covered by the Digital Signature.

The following methods can also be used to get information about the Digital Signature:

GetSignatureUID method

GetSignatureDateTime method

GetMacTransferSyntax method

GetMacAlgorithm method

SaveCertificate method

See Also


GetSignedElementsCount method, MoveSignature method, FindSignature method, GetSignatureUID method, GetSignatureDateTime method, GetMacTransferSyntax method, GetMacAlgorithm method, SaveCertificate method, CurrentElement property


Data Sets: Digital Signatures