SaveCertificate method (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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short SaveCertificate(BSTR bstrFilename, DicomCertificateFormat Format);


Refer to Working with Digital Signatures.


The SaveCertificate method saves to a file the signer’s digital certificate associated with the Digital Signature specified by the CurrentElement property. The CurrentElement property must be updated with the corresponding Digital Signatures Sequence Item before calling the method.

The Certificate of Signer (0400,0115) under the Digital Signatures Sequence Item of a Digital Signature contains the digital certificate of the entity that produced the Digital Signature. You can use this method to save this digital certificate to a file.

The following methods can also be used to get information about the Digital Signature:

GetSignatureUID method

GetSignatureDateTime method

GetSignedElementsCount method

MoveSignedElement method

GetMacTransferSyntax method

GetMacAlgorithm method

See Also


MoveSignature method, FindSignature method, GetSignatureUID method, GetSignatureDateTime method, GetSignedElementsCount method, MoveSignedElement method, GetMacTransferSyntax method, GetMacAlgorithm method, CurrentElement property


Data Sets: Digital Signatures