GetPeerEncryptionISCL method (ILEADDicomNet)

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Visual C++ 5.0 example



long GetPeerEncryptionISCL(long hNet);


Refer to Sending and Receiving Messages with ISCL


(Medical Imaging Suite only) Returns a value that represents the encryption mode the sender used when sending a message.

If the encryption mode is not the same for the sender and the receiver, the message will not be sent successfully. If the MAC type is not the same on the sender and the receiver, the message will not be sent successfully.

The GetPeerEncryptionISCL method can only be called by the receiver, once the sender has attempted to send a message.

To set the encryption mode, use the SetDefaultEncryptionISCL method.

To set the MAC type, use the SetDefaultSigningISCL method.

The encryption mode and the MAC are specified for every message, not for each connection. Every message can have a different encryption mode and MAC, keeping the connection parameters unchanged.

See Also


StartUp method, GetPeerMACISCL method, GetPeerAuthDataISCL method, GetPeerRequestedMessageLengthISCL method, GetPeerEncryptionISCL method


DICOM Security: Working with ISCL