SetServerCertificateTLS method (ILEADDicomNet)

VB.NET example

C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



short SetServerCertificateTLS(long hNet, BSTR pszPathToCertificateFile, long nCertType, BSTR pszPathToKeyFile);


Refer to Adding TLS Security to a DICOM Connection


(Medical Imaging Suite only) Sets a certificate for the server.

The usual sizes for an RSA key is 512 and 1024 bits. There is a limitation for import in Europe – a RSA key must be at least 768 bits long. There are no known export restrictions.

The server is authenticated always. A server may be authenticated with a chain of certificates, all in the same file.

When implementing a server, use this method prior to calling the Accept method (ILEADDicomNet). Pass NULL for the hNet argument. This stores the pszPathToCertificateFile and pszPathToKeyFile internally, which allows the Accept to assign the server certificate to the correct internal hNet.

Please note that when changing security settings the CA file needs to be in PEM format.

See Also


SetClientCertificateTLS method, UseSSLOptions property, SSLCreateFlags property, SSLMethodType property, SSLVerifyMode property, SSLCAFile property, SSLVerifyDepth property, SSLSuccess property, SSLOptions property, SSLPrivateKeyPassword property, SSLPrivateKeyPasswordEvent event


DICOM Security :Working with TLS