Implementing Internet Functionality

The LEADTOOLS Internet features provide Internet functions that allow you to create client server applications that transfer data over the Internet or local intranets. The first step to implementing network capabilities is to initialize the LEADTOOLS Internet DLL using L_InetStartUp. All of the LEADTOOLS Internet functions require that a network connection be established. You can connect to a remote computer using L_InetConnect. You can setup a local computer to act as a server and listen for incoming connection requests using L_InetServerInit. If your application is acting as a server, it can accept connection requests using L_InetAcceptConnect. You can determine who is connected to your server using L_InetGetHostname. To close an open network connection or to shutdown a local server , use L_InetClose.

While a network connection is open, you can:

image\sqrblit.gif transfer data and sound between local and remote computers

image\sqrblit.gif send commands and responses between a local and a remote computer

LEADTOOLS provides the L_InetAttachToSocket and L_InetDetachFromSocket functions for working with an existing socket.