InsertFromBitmapList method (ImageList Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int __fastcall InsertFromBitmapList(LEADTyp::HBITMAPLIST BitmapList , System::AnsiString sDefaultText);

Delphi Syntax

Function InsertFromBitmapList( BitmapList: HBitmapList; sDefaultText: String ): Integer;


Refer to Using the ImageList Control.


Inserts new items into the ImageList Control from the specified LEAD Bitmap List. All items are inserted with the same Text attribute, specified in pszDefaultText. You can change this after the items are inserted using the Item collection property.

See Also


Item property, InsertAt method, Remove method, Count property, Sort method, Insert method, LoadFromFile method, SaveToFile method


Raster Images: Displaying Images