SaveToFile method (ImageList Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int __fastcall SaveToFile(System::AnsiString sFile, int nFormat, int nBits, int nQFactor, bool bSelected);

Delphi Syntax

Function SaveToFile (sFile: String; nFormat: Integer; nBits: Integer; nQFactor: Integer; bSelected: Boolean): Integer;


Refer to Using the ImageList Control.


Saves the items from the ImageList Control into the specified file. This method supports saving into any of the multi-page file formats supported by LEADTOOLS. If bSelected is True, only the items with the Selected attribute of True are saved.

See Also


Item property, Insert method, InsertAt method, Remove method, Count property, Sort method, InsertFromBitmapList method, LoadFromFile method


Raster Images: Displaying Images