Using the ImageList Control
LEADTOOLS VCL provides an image list control that lets you display and manipulate a list of images. Any events listed below that are not underlined are VCL Control events, not LEAD events. For information concerning those events, consult your Borland documentation. The ImageList properties, methods and events let you do the following with a list of images:
You can load and save image lists using these methods:
The following provide support for dragging and dropping:
EnableOLEDragMethod property (ImageList Control)
OLEDragCursor property (ImageList Control)
OnOLECompleteDrag event (ImageList Control)
OnOLEDragOver event (ImageList Control)
OnOLEGiveFeedback event (ImageList Control)
OnOLEStartDrag event (ImageList Control)
To insert and delete images, use the following:
To specialize mouse and keyboard input, use the following:
Click event
DblClick event
KeyDown event
KeyPress event
KeyUp event
MouseDown event
MouseMove event
MouseUp event
Cursor property
You can modify the display characteristics, or item characteristics, using the following:
Ctl3D Property;
BorderStyle property
ItemHorizontalSpacing property
Resize event
The following provide support for user-defined or custom painting of the ImageList items:
The following elements let you scroll through the image list:
To obtain information about the image list, use the following:
LEADTOOLS also provides the following general elements:
The properties and events listed below are inherited from TWinControl VCL control. For information concerning these events, consult your Borland documentation:
Click event
DblClick event
KeyDown event
KeyPress event
KeyUp event
MouseDown event
MouseMove event
MouseUp event
Cursor property
Ctl3D Property
To import a list of bitmaps to the Image List control or to export a number of bitmaps from the Image List control to a bitmap list, use the following methods:
To sort the items in the ImageList Control according to the passed options, use the following method: