ImportBitmapList method (ImageList Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int ImportBitmapList(HBITMAPLIST hList, int nStartIndex, int nItemsToInsert, AnsiString strText, AnsiString strTextExt);

Delphi Syntax

Function ImportBitmapList(hList: HBITMAPLIST; nStartIndex: L_INT; nItemsToInsert: L_INT; strText: String; strTextExt: String): L_INT;


Refer to Using the ImageList Control.


Imports a list of bitmaps to the Image List control.

The list of bitmaps found in the passed hList parameter will be inserted into the Image List control starting from nStartIndex to (nStartIndex + nItemsToInsert –1).

See Also


ExportBitmapList method, Sort method, SortExt method, Item property, InsertAt method, Remove method, Count property, InsertFromBitmapList method, LoadFromFile method, SaveToFile method.


Raster Images: Displaying Images