Changes from Version 10 to Version 11(11.5)
Version 11 of the LEADTOOLS VCL has changed from version 10 as follows:
LEADTOOLS now supports 48-bit and 64-bit
bitmaps. 48-bit bitmaps are color bitmaps with 16-bits per each component
(R, G and B). 64-bit bitmaps are 48-bit bitmaps with alpha channel information
(16-bit alpha value). (11.5) (Medical
Express only)
The Netscape Plug-in now installs by clicking
on a self-extracting file and provides more image processing. (11.5)
LEADTOOLS VCL now supports a new Screen Capture
control for capturing all or part of the screen. (11.5)
An ImageList Control has been added to make
working with and displaying a list of images simple. (11.5)
You can now browse a directory for LEAD supported
images and generate thumbnails. (11.5)
Extensive DICOM file format support is now
provided. (Medical Express toolkits only) (11.5)
The following new formats are supported:
FILE_CLP (11.5)
FILE_XWD10 (11.5)
FILE_XWD11 (11.5)
FILE_ANI (11.5)
FILE_FLC (11.5)
FILE_DRW (11.5)
FILE_CGM (11.5)
FILE_PCT (Vector) (11.5)
FILE_PLT (11.5)
editions] Support for ISIS scanning has been added.
The SaveFormatFlags property has be removed.
The following properties, methods and events have been added:
ImageList Control (11.5)
AllowSelection property (ImageList Control)
BackColor property (ImageList Control)
BitonalScaling property (ImageList Control)
BorderColor property (ImageList Control)
Clear method (ImageList Control)
ColumnCount property (ImageList Control)
Count property (ImageList Control)
CurrentPage property (ImageList Control)
EnableMethodErrors property (ImageList Control)
Error property (ImageList Control)
ErrorMsg property (ImageList Control)
DisplayItemText property (ImageList Control)
EnableKeyboard property (ImageList Control)
EnsureVisible method (ImageList Control)
Font property (ImageList Control)
ForeColor property (ImageList Control)
HitTest method (ImageList Control)
Insert method (ImageList Control)
InsertAt method (ImageList Control)
InsertFromBitmapList method (ImageList Control)
IsSupportLocked method (ImageList Control)
Item property (ImageList Control)
ItemBackgroundColor property (ImageList Control)
ItemHeight property (ImageList Control)
ItemHorizontalSpacing property (ImageList Control)
OnItemSelected event (ImageList Control)
ItemVerticalSpacing property (ImageList Control)
ItemWidth property (ImageList Control)
LoadFromFile method (ImageList Control)
PageCount property (ImageList Control)
PaintDither property (ImageList Control)
Remove method (ImageList Control)
RowCount property (ImageList Control)
SaveToFile method (ImageList Control)
OnScroll event (ImageList Control)
ScrollItems method (ImageList Control)
ScrollStyle property (ImageList Control)
SelectAll method (ImageList Control)
SelectionColor property (ImageList Control)
SelectionStyle property (ImageList Control)
Sort method (ImageList Control)
UnlockSupport method (ImageList Control)
Thumbnail Browser Control (11.5)
IncludeSubDirectories property
ThumbnailBackgroundColor property
ThumbnailBitsPerPixel property
Screen Capture Control (11.5)
Bitmap property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureActiveClient method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureActiveWindow method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureArea method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaBitmapWithRegion property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaDrawCursor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaDrawEllipseHeight property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaDrawEllipseWidth property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaDrawLineColor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaDrawLineStyle property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaEnableKeyboard property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaFillBackColor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaFillForeColor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaFillPattern property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaIncludeCursor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaInfoHeight property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaInfoLeft property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaInfoTop property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaInfoWidth property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaOptionDlg method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaSensitiveInfoWindow property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaShowAreaSize property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaShowCursorPosition property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaShowDrawCursor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaShowInfoWindow property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaShowOpaqueText property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaTextBackColor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaTextForeColor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaType property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaUseCrossLinesCursor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureAreaZoomFactor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureCancelKey property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureCount property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureCursor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureDelay property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureEXE method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureEXEDlg method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureFullScreen method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureGetResourceCount method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureHotKey property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureHotKeyModifiers property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfoExeName property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfoHeight property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfohWnd property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfoLeft property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfoResIndex property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfoResourceID property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfoResType property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfoTop property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInfoWidth property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureInterval property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureMenuUnderCursor method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureMouseCursor method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureObjectBorderWidth property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureObjectEnableKeyboard property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureObjectInvert property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureObjectOptionDlg method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureObjectSelectCursor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureOptionDlg method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureSelectedObject method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureStatusCursor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureWallPaper method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
CaptureWindowUnderCursor method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
EnableMethodErrors property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
IsCaptureActive method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
OnCaptureHotKeyPressed event (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
OnCaptureImage event (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
ResetAreaOptions method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
ResetObjectOptions method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
StopCapture method (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
TransparentColor property (Refer to Ltscrvcl.hlp)
DICOM Control (11.5)
AgeValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
AgeValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
BinaryValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
BinaryValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
Bitmap property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
BitmapList property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
BitmapListCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
CharValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
CharValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ConformanceTestDS method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
CurrentElement property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
CurrentIOD property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
CurrentModule property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
CurrentTag property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
CurrentUID property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
CurrentVR property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DateTimeValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DateTimeValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DateValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DateValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DefaultIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DefaultTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DefaultUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DefaultVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DeleteBitmapValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DeleteElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DeleteIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DeleteModule method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DeleteTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DeleteUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DeleteVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DoubleValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DoubleValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
DSTempPath property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
EnableConformanceStatus property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
EnableMethodErrors property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
EnableProgressEvent property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindClassIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindFirstElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindIndexModule method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindIndexTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindIndexUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindIndexVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindLastElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindModule method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindModuleIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindNextElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindPrevElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FindVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FloatValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
FloatValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetAgeValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetBinaryValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetBitmapCount method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetBitmapListValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetBitmapValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetCharValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetConvertValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetDateTimeValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetDateValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetDoubleValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetDSPreamble method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetElementLevel method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetFloatValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetImageInformation method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetInfoDS method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetLongValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetModuleCount method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetShortValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetStringValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetTagCount method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetTimeValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetUIDCount method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetValueCount method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
GetVRCount method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ImageInfo property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
IncludeVolatile property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InfoClass property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InfoFlags property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InitDS method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InsertBitmapListValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InsertBitmapValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InsertElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InsertIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InsertModule method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InsertTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InsertUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
InsertVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
IsSupportLocked method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
LoadDS method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
LongValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
LongValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveChildElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveChildIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveFirstElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveFirstIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveFirstTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveFirstUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveFirstVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveLastElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveLastIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveLastTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveLastUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveLastVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveNextElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveNextIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveNextTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveNextUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveNextVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveParentElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveParentIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MovePrevElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MovePrevIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MovePrevTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MovePrevUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MovePrevVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveRootElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
MoveRootIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
OnConformanceStatus event (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
OnProgressStatus event (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
Preamble property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ResetDS method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ResetIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ResetTag method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ResetUID method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ResetVR method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SaveDS method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetAgeValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetBinaryValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetBitmapListValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetBitmapValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetCharValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetConvertValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetCurrentElement method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetCurrentIOD method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetDateTimeValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetDateValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetDoubleValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetDSPreamble method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetFloatValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetIODDescription method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetIODName method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetLongValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetShortValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetStringValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetTagName method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetTimeValue method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetUIDName method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SetVRName method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ShortValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
ShortValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
StringValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
StringValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
TimeValueCount property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
TimeValues property (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
UnlockSupport method (Refer to Ltdicvcl.hlp)
SaveFormats property
SaveFormatCount property
SubTypeIndex property
DlgFont property
GetDlgString method
SetDlgString method
GetContourFilter method
ContourThreshold property
ContourDeltaDirection property
ContourMaximumError property
ContourOption property
ContourOptionFlags property
ISIS Support