EnableSaveBufferEvent property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 5.0 example

Syntax BOOL EnableSaveBufferEvent

Overview:  Refer to Using Memory-Resident Image Files.


(Persistent property, available at design time) Specifies whether LEADTOOLS generates a SaveBuffer event. This event indicates to the user that the memory buffer referenced by the SaveBufferAddress property is too small to accommodate the bitmap to be saved by the SaveBuffer method. The user can reallocate memory of adequate size within the SaveBuffer event.

To abort a SaveBuffer process, set the EnableSaveBufferEvent property to FALSE in the SaveBuffer event.

This property must be set to TRUE in order to generate the SaveBuffer event.

If this property is set to TRUE, the SaveBuffer event can be used to reallocate the memory buffer to the size requested in the SaveBuffer event, and update the SaveBufferSize and SaveBufferAddress properties.

If this property is set to FALSE and the memory location referenced by the SaveBufferAddress property is not large enough to accommodate the save, the SaveBuffer method will fail.

For more information, refer to the SaveBuffer method.




Generate SaveBuffer events.


Do not generate SaveBuffer events.

See Also

Elements:  SaveBuffer method, SaveBufferSize property, SaveBufferAddress property, SaveBuffer event, LoadBuffer method

Topics:  Raster Images: Saving Files
Controlling Events