
Key codes
   Access Key Codes
   Visual Basic Constants for Key Codes
   Visual C++ Key Codes
KeyDown event (Main Control)
   Detecting events
   KeyDown event (Main Control)
KeyPress event (Main Control)
   Detecting events
   KeyPress event (Main Control)
KeyUp event (Main Control)
   Detecting events
   KeyUp event (Main Control)
   File Formats: Kodak Formats (PCD and FPX)
   Implementing PhotoCD and FlashPix Features

Language conversion
Laplacian line detection
LayerBlendModeKey property (Main Control)
LayerClipping property (Main Control)
LayerLeft property (Main Control)
   LayerLeft property (Main Control)
   Layers In Files
LayerMaskBitmap property (Main Control)
LayerOpacity property (Main Control)
Layers in files
LayerTop property (Main Control)
   Layers In Files
   LayerTop property (Main Control)
LEAD 1-bit file format
LEAD Bitmap in Memory
LEAD control
LEAD Control's Client Area
LEAD file format
   File Formats: JPEG and LEAD Compressed (JPG, J2K, JP2, CMP, CMW)
   ProgressivePasses property (Main Control)
LevelHighBit property (Main Control)
LevelLowBit property (Main Con
LevelLowBit property (Main Control)
LevelLUT property (Main Control)
LevelLUTLength property (Main Control)
License string
Limitations with Borland C++ Builder
Limitations with Delphi 2.0
Limitations with Microsoft Access
Limitations with Visual Basic
Limitations with Visual Basic 4.0
Limited Support
   Drawing Simple Objects
   Drawing Three-Dimensional Shapes and Text
Line annotation object
Line segment line detection
Line styles for annotations
Line tool for annotations
LineProfile method (Main Control)
LineProfileBlue property (Main Control)
LineProfileGreen property (Main Control)
LineProfileRed property (Main Control)
LineProfileSize property (Main Control)
LineRemove event (Main Control)
   Cleaning Up 1-Bit Images
   LineRemove event (Main Control)
LineRemove method (Main Control)
   Cleaning Up 1-Bit Images
   LineRemove method (Main Control)
   Detecting and Enhancing Edges and Lines
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Access 2.0)
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Access 95 and 97)
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Visual Basic)
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Visual C++ 4.0)
   Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Visual J++)
   LineRemove event (Main Control)
   LineRemove method (Main Control)
List of bitmaps
Load method (Main Control)
   Load method (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadArray method (Main Control)
   LoadArray method (Main Control)
   Using Memory-Resident Image Files
LoadBuffer method (Main Control)
   LoadBuffer method (Main Control)
   Using Memory-Resident Image Files
LoadCompressed property (Main Control)
LoadICCProfile method (Main Control)
LoadIFD property (Main Control)
LoadInfo event (Main Control)
   Detecting events
   LoadInfo event (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadInfoBits property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoBits property (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadInfoFlags property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoFlags property (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadInfoFormat property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoFormat property (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadInfoHeight property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoHeight property (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadInfoOffset property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoOffset property (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadInfoWidth property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoWidth property (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadInfoXRes property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoXRes property (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
LoadInfoYRes property (Main Control)
   LoadInfoYRes property (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
Loading a bitmap
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
   Loading a Bitmap from Your Own Buffer
Loading a file form an Internet URL
Loading a thumbnail
Loading an image
   Loading and Displaying an Image (Access 2.0)
   Loading and Displaying an Image (Access 95 and 97)
   Loading and Displaying an Image (C++ Builder 3.0)
   Loading and Displaying an Image (Delphi 4.0)
   Loading and Displaying an Image (Visual Basic)
   Loading and Displaying an Image (Visual C++ 4.0)
   Loading and Displaying an Image (Visual J++)
Loading and Saving Large TIFF Files
Loading annotation files
Loading annotations
   Loading and Saving Annotations Using Databases (Visual Basic)
   Loading and Saving Annotations Using Databases (Visual C++ 5.0)
Loading files
Loading filters
Loading images
   A Special Note About Loading 12 and 16-Bit Grayscale Images
   Loading and Saving Images Using Databases (Visual Basic)
   Loading and Saving Images Using Databases (Visual C++ 5.0)
Loading large TIFF files
   InfoIFD property (Main Control)
   LoadIFD property (Main Control)
Loading multi-page files
   EnableFilePageLoadedEvent property (Main Control)
   FilePageLoaded event (Main Control)
Loading PNG files
Loading raw data
Loading Raw Fax
LoadLayer method (Main Control)
   Layers In Files
   LoadLayer method (Main Control)
LoadMemory method (Main Control)
   LoadMemory method (Main Control)
   Using Memory-Resident Image Files
LoadResize method (Main Control)
LoadResolutionCount property (Main Control)
   Implementing PhotoCD and FlashPix Features
   LoadResolutionCount property (Main Control)
LoadResolutionHeight property (Main Control)
   Implementing PhotoCD and FlashPix Features
   LoadResolutionHeight property (Main Control)
LoadResolutionWidth property (Main Control)
   Implementing PhotoCD and FlashPix Features
   LoadResolutionWidth property (Main Control)
LoadSigned property
LoadStamp method (Main Control)
   Loading a Bitmap from a File
   LoadStamp method (Main Control)
LoadUseViewPerspective property (Main Control)
locking annotations
   AnnGetLocked method (Main Control)
   AnnLock method (Main Control)
   AnnLocked event (Main Control)
LongItemValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
LongItemValue example for Visual Basic
LongItemValue property (ILEADRasterVariant)
LongValue example for C++ 5.0 and later
LongValue example for Visual Basic
LongValue property (ILEADRasterVariant)
Lossy compression

MAC file format
MacPaint file format
MagGlassCursor event (Main Control)
MagGlassFlags property (Main Control)
MagGlassMask property (Main Control)
   MagGlassMask property (Main Control)
   Using the Magnifying Glass
MagGlassMaskCount property (Main Control)
   MagGlassMaskCount property (Main Control)
   Using the Magnifying Glass
MagGlassPaintContrast property (Main Control)
MagGlassPaintGamma property (Main Control)
MagGlassPaintIntensity property (Main Control)
Magnifying glass
   HasMagGlass property (Main Control)
   MagGlassFlags property (Main Control)
   MagGlassMask property (Main Control)
   MagGlassMaskCount property (Main Control)
   StartMagGlass method (Main Control)
   StopMagGlass method (Main Control)
   Using the Magnifying Glass
   Using the Magnifying Glass (Visual Basic)
   Using the Magnifying Glass (Visual C++ 4.0 and later)
   EnableFilePageLoadedEvent property (Main Control)
   FilePageLoaded event (Main Control)
Main Control
   CenterImage property (Main Control)
   DoubleBuffer property (Main Control)
   EnableOLEDragMethod property (Main Control)
   LoadICCProfile method (Main Control)
   OLECompleteDrag event (Main Control)
   OLEDragCursor property (Main Control)
   OLEDragOver event (Main Control)
   OLEGiveFeedback event (Main Control)
   OLEStartDrag event (Main Control)
Marking a selection
MaskTable property (Main Control)
MaskTableL property (Main Control)
MaxBit property (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
   MaxBit property (Main Control)
MaxFilter method (Main Control)
   MaxFilter method (Main Control)
   Removing Noise
MaxVal property (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
   MaxVal property (Main Control)
MDI Application
Median method (Main Control)
   Median method (Main Control)
   Removing Noise
Memory-resident files
Memory handle problems in Access 2.0
Method is for Access 2.0
Microsoft Access
   Access Syntax
   Limitations with Microsoft Access
   Palette Usage in Microsoft Access
MinBit property (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
   MinBit property (Main Control)
MinFilter method (Main Control)
   MinFilter method (Main Control)
   Removing Noise
MinVal property (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
   MinVal property (Main Control)
   File Formats: Image Object Content Architecture (IOCA/MODCA)
   Multipage File Formats
   Introduction: Data Transfer
   Loading a Bitmap from Your Own Buffer
Mosaic method (Main Control)
   Applying Artistic Effects
   Mosaic method (Main Control)
MotionBlur method (Main Control)
MouseDown event (Main Control)
   Detecting events
   MouseDown event (Main Control)
MouseIcon property (Main Control)
   Limitations with Delphi 2.0
   Limitations with Microsoft Access
   MouseIcon property (Main Control)
MouseMove event (Main Control)
   Detecting events
   MouseMove event (Main Control)
MousePointer property (Main Control)
MouseUp event (Main Control)
   Detecting events
   MouseUp event (Main Control)
MouseWheel event (Main Control)
MPT files
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Access 2.0)
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Access 95 and 97)
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Visual Basic)
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Visual C++ 4.0)
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Visual J++)
MSP file format
Multi-page files
   EnableFilePageLoadedEvent property (Main Control)
   FilePageLoaded event (Main Control)
Multipage files
   File Formats: GIF and TIFF with LZW Compression
   File Formats: PCX Formats (PCX and DCX)
   File Formats: TIFF Without LZW Compression
   Introduction: Animation
   Multipage File Formats
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Access 2.0)
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Access 95 and 97)
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Visual Basic)
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Visual C++ 4.0)
   Writing and Reading Multipage Files (Visual J++)
