Visual Basic (Declaration) | |
Public Enum RasterExceptionCode Inherits System.Enum Implements IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable |
Visual Basic (Usage) | ![]() |
Dim instance As RasterExceptionCode |
C# | |
public enum RasterExceptionCode : System.Enum, IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable |
C++/CLI | |
public enum class RasterExceptionCode : public System.Enum, IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable |
Member | Description |
AbcCodecMissing | ABC codec is needed to use this method |
AbcLocked | ABC file format is locked |
AbiCodecMissing | ABI (ABIC) codec is needed to use this method |
AnnotationDllMissing | Annotation DLL is missing |
AudioMissing | The audio data is not present |
BadDecodeState | premature end-of-line code |
BadMarker | Bad JPEG marker |
BadPointer | Internal error - call LEAD |
BadResyncMarker | Bad JPEG Resync marker |
BadStamp | Stamp is present but data is corrupted |
BadTag | Bad TIFF tag |
BitmapFormatUnsupported | The bitmap format is not supported |
BitsPerPixel | Invalid bits/pixel |
BmpCodecMissing | BMP codec is missing |
BufferTooSmall | The buffer size is too small |
CgmCodecMissing | CGM codec is needed to use this method |
ChannelMissing | The PSD Channel is missing |
CinCodecMissing | CIN codec is needed to use this method |
ClpCodecMissing | CLP codec is needed to use this method |
ClrCodecMissing | Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll assembly is not loaded |
CmpCodecMissing | CMP codec is needed to use this method |
CmwCodecMissing | CMW codec is needed to use this method |
CmwLocked | The CMW support is locked |
ColorConversionDllMissing | Color conversion DLL is missing |
CompactAborted | The compact method was finished without copying all the pages |
CompressedDataFailure | Internal error - call LEAD |
CorruptProfile | Color Conversion - The ICC profile was invalid |
CrwCodecMissing | CRW codec is needed to use this method |
CUBusy | Internal error - call LEAD |
CUFailure | Internal error - call LEAD |
CUNoSupport | Internal error - call LEAD |
DcrCodecMissing | DCR codec is needed to use this method |
DcsCodecMissing | DCS codec is needed to use this method |
DecodingProfile | Color Conversion - An error has occured while decoding the profile |
DeleteLastPage | You cannot delete a page from a file containing only one page |
DicomNotEnabled | DICOM support is required to use this method |
DiskIsFull | not enough disk space |
DjvCodecMissing | DJV codec is needed to use this method |
DocumentNotEnabled | Document capability is required to use this method |
DocumentWritersNotEnabled | Document Writers capability is required to use this method |
DocumentWritersPdfNotEnabled | Document Writer PDF support is locked |
DrwCodecMissing | DRW codec is needed to use this method |
DwfCodecMissing | DWF codec is needed to use this method |
DwgCodecMissing | DWG codec is needed to use this method |
DxfCodecMissing | The DXF codec is needed to use this method |
EpsCodecMissing | EPS codec is needed to use this method |
Exception | An unspecified exception occurred - could be memory access violations |
ExtensionsMissing | This file does not contain Exif extensions |
ExtGrayNotEnabled | Extended grayscale support is required to use this method |
Failure | Not successful |
FaxCodecMissing | FAX codec is needed to use this method |
FeatureNotSupported | Feature not supported |
FileCreate | Error creating file |
FileFormat | Invalid file format |
FileGone | File not present - abort |
FileNotFound | File not found |
FileOpen | Not able to open file |
FileRead | Error reading file |
FileReadOnly | File is read-only. Cannot open file with write access |
FileSeek | Error seeking to position |
FileWrite | Error writing file |
FitCodecMissing | FIT codec is needed to use this method |
FlcCodecMissing | FLC codec is needed to use this method |
FormsLocked | Forms support is locked |
GifCodecMissing | GIF codec is needed to use this method |
Gray32Unsupported | 32-bit Grayscale images not supported |
HdpCodecMissing | HDP codec is needed to use this method |
ICCImageNotSupported | Color Conversion - Invalid ICC profile |
ICCUnknownTag | Color Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Tag |
ICCUnknownTagAndType | Color Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Tag and Type |
ICCUnknownType | Color Conversion - Unknown ICC profile Type |
IffCodecMissing | IFF codec is needed to use this method |
ImageEmpty | Image is empty |
ImageProcessingDllMissing | Image Processing DLL is missing |
ImageSize | Image size not sufficient |
ImageType | Image format recognized, but sub-type not supported |
InavlidFormat | Obsolete: This member is misspelled and will be removed from later versions of LEADTOOLS. Use RasterExceptionCode.InvalidFormat which has the same value but correct spelling instead |
InsufficientData | Internal error - call LEAD |
Internal | Internal error |
InvalidAbortion | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidACCodeTable | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidBuffer | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidCodecName | Invalid codec name |
InvalidColorProfile | Color Conversion - Invalid color profile |
InvalidColorspace | Color Conversion Error - Invalid colorspace |
InvalidComponentNumber | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidCompressedType | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidData | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidDCCodeTable | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidDib | The DIB is invalid |
InvalidFileName | Invalid filename specified |
InvalidFormat | Color Conversion - Invalid format |
InvalidHandle | Invalid handle |
InvalidICCProfile | Color Conversion - Invalid ICC profile |
InvalidImageDimensions | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidLutLength | The LUT length is invalid. LUT Length should be 1 << (RasterImage.HighBit - RasterImage.LowBit + 1) |
InvalidParameter | Invalid parameter passed |
InvalidPassword | Invalid password |
InvalidPixBufferDimensions | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidPixelSampling | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidPixelType | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidQValue | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidQVisTable | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidRange | Invalid width/height |
InvalidStampSize | Stamp size is too big or invalid bits/pixel, etc |
InvalidStructSize | The structure size is invalid |
InvalidSubImage | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidSubsampling | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidTableType | Internal error - call LEAD |
InvalidTileDimension | Internal error - call LEAD |
ItgCodecMissing | ITG codec is needed to use this method |
J2kBoxNotAvailable | The required J2K box is not available |
J2kCodecMissing | J2K codec is needed to use this method |
J2kDecompositionLevel | Specified Wavelet decomposition level was too high |
J2kFailure | Invalid save options were specified to the encoder |
J2kInformationSet | Invalid save options were specified or file includes invalid encoded values |
J2kLocked | J2K support is locked |
J2kLowTargetSize | Compression ratio, target file size, or tile size was too small for encoder |
J2kMarkerValue | Decoder could not translate J2K marker - file is corrupt or invalid |
J2kNoSoc | File header does not contain SOC marker |
J2kNoSot | File contains complete header but no compressed image data |
J2kUnsupported | J2K file has image with more than 30 bits per component |
Jb2CodecMissing | JB2 (JBIG2) codec is needed to use this method |
Jbig2Locked | JBIG2 file format is locked |
JbigCodecMissing | The JBIG codec is needed to use this method |
JbigNotEnabled | JBIG capability is required to use this method |
JlsCodecMissing | JLS codec is needed to use this method |
Jp2CodecMissing | JP2 codec is needed to use this method |
Jp2Failure | Error in JP2 Box values |
Jp2Signature | The header does not match the JP2 signature - not a JP2 file |
Jp2Unsupported | JP2 file has a feature that is unsupported |
JpipLocked | JPEP support is locked |
JpmCodecMissing | JPM codec is needed to use this method |
JxrCodecMissing | JXR codec is needed to use this method |
KdcCodecMissing | KDC codec is needed to use this method |
LayerMissing | The PSD Layer is missing |
LeadPrinterNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS Printer Driver capability is required to use this function |
LeadPrinterServerNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS Printer Driver Server is required to use this function |
LmbCodecMissing | LMB codec is needed to use this method |
LzwLocked | The LZW capabilities are locked |
MarkerIndex | The marker index is invalid (too big) |
MarkerMissing | The required JPEG marker is missing |
MarkerSizeTooBig | The size of the JPEG marker cannot exceed 64K |
MediaWriterNotEnabled | Media writer capability is required to use this method |
MedicalNetNotEnabled | Medical Network Express capability is required to use this method |
MedicalNotEnabled | Medical Express capability is required to use this method |
MedicalViewerActionAlreadyAdded | The sepcified action is already added to the Image Viewer Cell |
MedicalViewerActionNotAdded | The sepcified action is not added to the Image Viewer Cell |
MemoryTooLow | Not enough memory available |
MifCodecMissing | MIF codec is needed to use this method |
MissingFunctionPointer | Internal error - call LEAD |
MissingTileData | Internal error - call LEAD |
MngCodecMissing | MNG codec is needed to use this method |
MspCodecMissing | MSP codec is needed to use this method |
NitfLocked | NITF support is locked |
NoChange | The image has not changed |
NoImage | Invalid bitmap handle |
NoMemory | Not enough memory available |
NoMessage | There is no message |
NoNonplanarVerticalSubsamplingSupported | No non planar vertical sub sampling supported |
NoOverlay | The overlay does not exist |
NoProfile | Color Conversion - The ICC profile was not found |
NormalAbort | Escape key pressed - or user aborted operation |
NoStamp | Stamp not found |
NotEnoughImages | Not enough images |
NothingToDo | There is nothing to do. No items was found |
NotInitialized | Internal error - call LEAD |
NtfCodecMissing | NTF codec is needed to use this method |
NullPointer | A NULL pointer was passed |
OpeningProfile | Color Conversion - Error opening profile |
OutputType | Invalid compression format |
OverlayIndex | Something is wrong with the overlay index |
PageNotFound | Page not found |
PcdCodecMissing | PCD codec is needed to use this method |
PcxCodecMissing | PCX codec is needed to use this method |
PdfBadContent | PDF Error - File is corrupted |
PdfBadInitializationFiles | PDF Error - Either the files required for initializing the PDF engine were not found or they were found but incorrect |
PdfCannotEditFile | PDF Error - Cannot insert, delete, append or replace pages |
PdfCodecMissing | PDF codec is needed to use this method |
PdfEngineMissing | Leadtools.PdfEngine.dll assembly is not found |
PdfFaxNotEnabled | PDF Error - FAX support is required for this operation |
PdfFileEncrypted | PDF Error - The file is encrypted and password is not supplied |
PdfFontsDirectoryNotFound | PDF Error - Could not find Fonts directory |
PdfInvalidPassword | PDF Error - Invalid password specified |
PdfInvDocStructuringComments | PDF Error - Invalid Document Structuring comments (Ps and EPS) |
PdfJpegNotEnabled | PDF Error - JPEG support is required for this operation |
PdfNotEnabled | PDF capability is required to use this method |
PlanarAlignmentNotSupported | Color Conversion - Planar alignment not supported |
PngCodecMissing | PNG codec is needed to use this method |
PreProcessBadOkMode | Preprocessing engine bad OK mode. Call LEAD |
PreProcessBadRejectMode | Preprocessing engine bad reject mode. Call LEAD |
PreProcessBadState | Preprocessing engine is in bad state. Call LEAD |
PreProcessCantFindPointBand | Preprocessing engine cannot find point band. Call LEAD |
PreProcessCantOpenChoiceFile | Preprocessing engine could not open choice file. Call LEAD |
PreProcessCantScaleEdgeSteps | Preprocessing engine attempted to scale an edge steps format word. Call LEAD |
PreProcessCodesIllegalsum | Preprocessing engine illegal sum of chain codes. Call LEAD |
PreProcessHeapFull | Preprocessing engine heap size exceeded. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalAmbiguitySpecification | Preprocessing engine illegal ambiguity specification. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalCircularSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal circular/linear specification. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalDistribution | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype distribution. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalEssentialSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal essential/non-essential specification. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalFeatureParam | Preprocessing engine illegal feature parameter spec. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalFloat | Preprocessing engine illegal float specification. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalMeadnSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype mean. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalMinMaxSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal min or max specification. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalNumFeatures | Preprocessing engine illegal number of features in set. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalNumSets | Preprocessing engine illegal number of feature sets. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalSampleCount | Preprocessing engine illegal sample count. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalSampleSize | Preprocessing engine illegal sample size. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalShortName | Preprocessing engine illegal short name for a feature. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalSignificanceSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal significance specification. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalStyleSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype style specification. Call LEAD |
PreProcessIllegalVarianceSpec | Preprocessing engine illegal prototype variance. Call LEAD |
PreProcessInit | Preprocessing engine initialization error or no appropriate license. Call LEAD |
PreProcessInvalidUnicodeCharset | Preprocessing engine invalid Unicode character set. Call LEAD |
PreProcessReadingEdgesFile | Preprocessing engine error while reading edges from file. Call LEAD |
PreProcessReadingTemplateFile | Preprocessing engine error reading template file. Call LEAD |
PreProcessUnmatchedBlockLeft | Preprocessing engine unmatched block left. Call LEAD |
PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRight | Preprocessing engine unmatched block right. Call LEAD |
PreProcessUnmatchedBlockRightRemaining | Preprocessing engine unmatched block right remaining. Call LEAD |
PreProcessWrongWord | Preprocessing engine word does not have blobs of that type. Call LEAD |
ProNotEnabled | LEADTOOLS Pro Features are not enabled |
PsdCodecMissing | PSD codec is needed to use this method |
PspCodecMissing | PSP codec is needed to use this method |
QFactor | Invalid QFactor specified |
RasCodecMissing | RAS codec is needed to use this method |
RawCodecMissing | RAW codec is missing |
RtfCodecMissing | RTF codec is missing |
SegmentationDllMissing | Segmentation DLL is missing |
SegmentOverflow | Internal error - call LEAD |
SffCodecMissing | SFF codec is needed to use this method |
SgiCodecMissing | SGI codec is needed to use this method |
SgmCodecMissing | SGM codec is needed to use this method |
ShpCodecMissing | SHP codec is needed to use this method |
SidCodecMissing | SID codec is needed to use this method |
SignedDataNotSupported | Signed image data not supported |
SnpCodecMissing | SNP codec is needed to use this method |
Success | Successful. No errors. |
SuccessAbort | Method successful. You can quit now |
SuccessDelete | Successful. Delete file before quitting |
SuccessPartialFailure | Method called recursively. A least one call was successful, but some failed |
SuccessRetry | Successful. Retry doing the failed operation |
SvgCodecMissing | SVG codec is needed to use this method |
TagMissing | Tag not found |
TdbCodecMissing | TDB codec is needed to use this method |
TgaCodecMissing | TGA codec is needed to use this method |
TifCodecMissing | TIF codec is needed to use this method |
TooManyACCodeTables | Internal error - call LEAD |
TooManyDCCodeTables | Internal error - call LEAD |
TruncateHeight | Color Conversion - Truncate height |
TruncateWidth | Color Conversion - Truncate width |
TruncateWidthAndHeight | Color Conversion - Truncate width and height |
UnknownCompression | Unknown compression format |
UnsupportedConversion | Color Conversion - Unsupported conversion |
UnsupportedMethod | Color Conversion - Method not supported |
UserAbort | User has aborted operation |
UVNotMultiples | Color Conversion - U and V not multiples |
VecCodecMissing | VEC codec is needed to use this method |
VectorKernelMissing | Vector kernel DLL is needed to use this method |
VersionNumber | bad version number |
VffCodecMissing | VFF codec is needed to use this method |
VpgCodecMissing | VPG codec is needed to use this method |
WfxCodecMissing | WFX codec is needed to use this method |
WindowSize | Invalid window size |
WmfCodecMissing | WMF codec is needed to use this method |
WmzCodecMissing | WMZ codec is needed to use this method |
WpgCodecMissing | WPG codec is needed to use this method |
XpsCodecMissing | XPS codec is needed to use this method |
XwdCodecMissing | XWD codec is needed to use this method |
Target Platforms: Silverlight, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MAC OS/X (Intel Only), Windows Phone 7