Managing Images in a Database

The LEADTOOLS ActiveX supports database access using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). For more information about the ODBC requirements, refer to Using ODBC.

Note: For an alternative, refer to Using a Visual Basic Data Control.

Use the following methods to open and close the database. (The dbOpen method identifies not only the database, but also the recordset to be accessed and the field that is used for LEADTOOLS images.)

dbOpen method

dbClose method

Use the following methods to access an existing record:

dbMove method

dbMoveFirst method

dbMoveLast method

dbMoveNext method

dbMovePrev method

Use the following property to control how the image is loaded from the database field into the bitmap:

dbLoadBits property

Use one of the following methods to indicate whether you are adding a new record or editing the current one:

dbAddNew method

dbEdit method

When updating an existing record, use the following property to control record locking:

dbLockingMode property

When adding or updating an image, use the following method to store the image in the field:

dbUpdate method

Use the following method to delete the current record:

dbDelete method

Use the following method to verify your changes in the database:

dbRequery method

Use the following properties to get information about the database and your connection to it:

dbCanAppend property

dbCanRestart property

dbCanScroll property

dbCanUpdate property

dbCurrentRecord property

dbEditMode property

dbIsBOF property

dbIsDeleted property

dbIsEOF property

dbIsOpen property

dbRecordCount property