dbOpen method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Visual J++ example

Syntax BOOL dbOpen (BSTR pszConnect, BSTR pszSQL, BSTR pszField, long iOptions);

Overview:  Refer to Managing Images in a Database


Opens a recordset in an ODBC-accessible database.

After the recordset is open, you can use other db... methods and properties to access and update images in the recordset. To close the database, use the dbClose method.

If you get the following error, the ODBC data source is not set up properly. Refer to Using ODBC for information on setting up a data source.

Error #61704 "OLE IDISPATCH error #61704 from LTKRN14N: Internal

See Also

Elements:  dbClose method, dbRequery method, dbLoadBits property

Topics:  Databases: Using ODBC