Raster Images:
 Input and Output
  Saving Files

Optional settings before saving:

AnimationBackColor property

AnimationBitsPerPixel property

AnimationHeight property

AnimationPalette property

AnimationWidth property

Comment property

LayerLeft property

LayerTop property

PDFSaveLowMemory property

PDFSaveUseDPI property

ProgressivePasses property

SaveInterlaced property

SaveLayers property

SaveLSB property

SavePad4 property

SavePage property

SaveResolutionCount property

SaveResolutionHeight property

SaveResolutionWidth property

Alternatives to save a file on disk:

Save method

SaveOffset method

SaveWithStamp method

Saving a file in memory:

EnableSaveBufferEvent property

SaveArray method

SaveBuffer event

SaveBuffer method

SaveBufferAddress property

SaveBufferSize property

SaveMemory method

Information available after saving:

FileSizeWritten property

Optional settings for saving JPEG 2000 files:

J2KCBS_ErrorResilienceSymbol property

J2KCBS_PredictableTermination property

J2KCBS_ResetContextOnBoundaries property

J2KCBS_SelectiveACBypass property

J2KCBS_TerminationOnEachPass property

J2KCBS_VerticallyCausalContext property

J2KCodBlockHeight property

J2KCodBlockWidth property

J2KCompressionControl property

J2KCompressionRatio property

J2KDecompLevel property

J2KDerivedBaseExponent property

J2KDerivedBaseMantissa property

J2KDerivedQuantization property

J2KGuardBits property

J2KProgressOrder property

J2KROIControl property

J2KROIHeight property

J2KROILeft property

J2KROITop property

J2KROIWidth property

J2KSetDefaults method

J2KTargetFileSize property

J2KUseColorTransform property

J2KUseEPHMarker property

J2KUseROI property

J2KUseSOPMarker property

J2KXOsiz property

J2KXTOsiz property

J2KXTsiz property

J2KYOsiz property

J2KYTOsiz property

J2KYTsiz property

Optional settings for saving TIF files:

SaveTileHeight property

SaveTileWidth property