SaveResolutionCount property (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax short SaveResolutionCount

Overview:  Refer to Implementing JBIG Features


Specifies the number of resolutions to write.

When you set this property, you should also fill the SaveResolutionWidth and SaveResolutionHeight array properties with the desired resolutions to save. The arrays should be filled from SaveResolutionWidth(0) to SaveResolutionWidth(SaveResolutionCount-1) and SaveResolutionHeight(0) to SaveResolutionHeight(SaveResolutionCount-1).

Currently, only the JBIG format uses these properties.

Note that for a JBIG save, only the first resolution is used. Each subsequent dimension up to SaveResolutionCount will actually be calculated as 1/2 the previous dimension.


SaveResolutionCount = 3
SaveResolutionWidth(0) = 800
SaveResolutionWidth(0) = 400

If you then save an image that is 1600 x 800, the resolutions that are stored in the file would be:

800 x 400
400 x 200
200 x 100

By default, the control will save images using the default of the file format. For JBIG only one resolution which has the size of the bitmap being saved will be saved.

See Also

Elements:  Save method, SaveResolutionWidth property, SaveResolutionHeight property, LoadResolutionCount property, LoadResolutionHeight property, LoadResolutionWidth property, PCDRes property, SetLoadResolution method, GetLoadResolution method, SaveTileHeight property, SaveTileWidth property