Changes from Version 8.0 to Version 9.0

Version 9.0 of the LEADTOOLS ActiveX has changed from version 8.0 as follows. (For step-by-step help, refer to Upgrade Instructions.)


The rest of this topic lists the new properties, methods, and events in version 9.0.

Imaging Common Dialog:

Angle property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

AngleFlag property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

BackColor property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

BinaryFilterType property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Bitmap property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

BitsPerPixel property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Change property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Channel property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Depth property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

DialogTitle property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Direction property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

DitherFlags property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

DlgHelp event (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

EnableMethodErrors property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

EndColor property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

FileDlgFlags property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

FileName property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

FileOpen method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

FileSave method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

FileTitle property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Filter property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

FilterIndex property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

FilterType property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Gamma property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetAngle method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetChange method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetColorRes method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetEmboss method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetFilter method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetGamma method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetNoise method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetRange method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetSize method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

GetWindowLevel method (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

High property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

HighBit property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

HighLevel property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

InitialDir property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

LoadCompressed property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

LoadPasses property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

LoadRotated property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Low property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

LowBit property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

LowLevel property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

MaxFileSize property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

MaxFileTitleSize property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

NewHeight property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

NewWidth property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

PageNumber property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

PaletteFlags property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

PreviewEnabled property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Process property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Range property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveBitsPerPixel property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveFormat property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveFormatFlags property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveInterlaced property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveMulti property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SavePasses property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveProgressive property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveQFactor property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveStampBits property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveStampHeight property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveStampWidth property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SaveWithStamp property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

ShowHelpButton property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

SpatialFilterType property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

StartColor property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

Thumbnail property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)

UIFlags property (Common Dialog Control) (Refer to Ltdlgocxn.hlp)


ISIS support (Express editions):

Bitmap property (ISIS Control)

DriverName property (ISIS Control)

EnableISISEvent property (ISIS Control)

EnableMethodErrors property (ISIS Control)

ISISAcquire method (ISIS Control)

ISISAcquireMulti method (ISIS Control)

ISISGetTag method (ISIS Control)

IsISISAvailable property (ISIS Control)

ISISLoadDriver method (ISIS Control)

ISISPage event (ISIS Control)

ISISSelect method (ISIS Control)

ISISSetTag method (ISIS Control)

ISISUnloadDriver method (ISIS Control)

PagesDiscarded property (ISIS Control)

Annotation hyperlinks (Express editions only):

AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable property (Main Control)

AnnHyperlinkMenu event (Main Control)

AnnSetHyperlinkString method (Main Control)

AnnSetHyperlinkMsg method (Main Control)

AnnHyperlink event (Main Control)

AnnGetHyperlinkType method (Main Control)

AnnGetHyperlinkString method (Main Control)

AnnGetHyperlinkParam method (Main Control)

Annotation security (Express editions only):

AnnLock method (Main Control)

AnnUnlock method (Main Control)

AnnShowLockedIcon property (Main Control)

AnnGetLocked method (Main Control)

AnnLocked event (Main Control)

AnnUnlocked event (Main Control)

Saving annotations (Express editions only):

AnnSaveTag method (Main Control)

Restoring redact objects (Express editions only):

AnnUnrealize method (Main Control)

Window leveling (Express editions only):

GetMinMaxBits method (Main Control)

GetMinMaxVal method (Main Control)

LevelHighBit property (Main Control)

LevelLowBit property (Main Control)

LevelLUT property (Main Control)

LevelLUTLength property (Main Control)

MaxBit property (Main Control)

MaxVal property (Main Control)

MinBit property (Main Control)

MinVal property (Main Control)

WindowLevel method (Main Control)

Loading input/output file filters:

IgnoreFilters method (Main Control)

PreLoadFilters method (Main Control)

Capturing and zooming in on a portion of the screen:

EnableZoomInRect property (Main Control)

ZoomIn method (Main Control)

ZoomInDone event (Main Control)