Including Images in a Report (Access 95 and 97)

Take the following steps to create a report that includes images from an ODBC data source. (You can use a similar strategy to include images where only the pathname is stored in the database.)

Note: Quality of the output depends on the video mode. For best results, use high color or true color.

1. Start with the project that you created in Using ODBC to Access Image Data.

2. In the Database window, select the Reports tab, and click the New button.

3. In the New Report window, select Design View, specify Query1 as the data source, and click OK.

4. On the Insert pull-down menu, use the Custom Control option to select the Lead Control.

5. Click the OK button. The lead control appears on the report.

6. Size and position the control as you want it to appear on your report.

7. In the Properties box for the LEAD control, make the following changes:

a. Set the Border Style property to solid.

b. Set the Name property to LeadOnRpt.

8. Add a TextBox control to your report and change its properties as follows:

a. Set the Control Source property to who.

b. Set the Name property to Cwho.

9. Add the following code to the Detail object's Print event:

  ' Declare a local variables
  Dim ODBCString, SQLString
  Static GetNextRecord As Boolean

  If GetNextRecord Then
     ' Initialize the Lead control.
    LeadOnRpt.AutoRepaint = True
    LeadOnRpt.PaintPalette = PAINTPALETTE_FIXED
    LeadOnRpt.AutoRepaint = True
    LeadOnRpt.AutoSetRects = True
    LeadOnRpt.PaintSizeMode = PAINTSIZEMODE_FIT

    ' Open the ODBC database.
    ' Use the same SELECT statement that is used for the data control.
    ' Note that the image field must be listed first in the SELECT statement.
    ODBCString = "ODBC;DSN=LEADAC32"
    SQLString = "SELECT photo FROM people ORDER BY who"
    LeadOnRpt.dbOpen ODBCString, SQLString, "photo", DB_OPENOPTIONS_READONLY

    ' Set the LEAD control's database properties
    LeadOnRpt.dbLoadBits = 0
    GetNextRecord = True
  End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Source + " " + CStr(Err.Number) + Chr(13) + Err.Description

10. Add the following code to the Report object's Close event:


11. For printing the report, add a command button to your main form. Using the Command Button Wizard, you can select Report Operations and Print Report.

12. Run your program to test it.