CurveToBezier method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax short CurveToBezier ();

Overview:  Refer to Creating and Using a Bitmap Region


Converts a curve, defined by an array of points that the curve passes through, to an array of Bezier points. The resulting array can be used with the Windows C DLL PolyBezier and PolyBezierTo procedures.

This method is used to convert a standard curve to an array of Bezier control points. A LEAD standard curve (CURVE_STANDARD) is defined by the array of points defined by the CurveX property, CurveY property and the CurveSize property. The standard curve passes through all of the points of the array, and is continuous at each point. This method can be used to draw this curve by converting it to an array of Bezier points.

At most, the resulting array holds (3n + 1) entries, where n is the number of points in the CURVE_STANDARD curve.

The curve to be converted is defined by the following properties:

The resulting Bezier curve is defined by the following properties:

Please note that the BezierSize, BezierX and BezierY properties are read only and are updated by calling the CurveToBezier method.

See Also

Elements:  CurveX property, CurveY property, SetRgnCurve method, CurveSize property, CurveToBezier method, CurveType property, CurveClose property, CurveTension property, BezierSize property, BezierX property, BezierY property

Topics:  Raster Images: Creating and Using a Region