GetFileInfo method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Visual J++ example

Syntax short GetFileInfo (BSTR pszName, long lPage, long uFlags);

Overview:  Refer to Loading a Bitmap from a File.


Gets information about the specified file.

This method updates the following properties:

InfoAnimation property
InfoAnimationHeight property

InfoAnimationWidth property

InfoBits property

InfoCompress property

InfoFormat property

InfoHasAlpha property

InfoHeight property

InfoPage property

InfoPCDRes property

InfoSizeDisk property

InfoSizeMem property

InfoTotalPages property

InfoWidth property

InfoXRes property

InfoYRes property

See Also

Elements:  GetMemoryInfo method

Topics:  Raster Images: Loading Files
Raster Images: Getting and Setting File Information

Raster Images: Playing Animated Images