Raster Images:
 Input and Output
  Loading Files

Getting information before loading:

GetArrayInfo method

GetFileInfo method

GetMemoryInfo method


InfoBits property

InfoCompress property

InfoFormat property

InfoHasAlpha property

InfoHeight property

InfoIFD property

InfoLayers property

InfoPage property

InfoPCDRes property

InfoSizeDisk property

InfoSizeMem property

InfoXRes property

InfoYRes property

InfoViewPerspective property

InfoWidth property


LoadResolutionCount property

LoadResolutionHeight property

LoadResolutionWidth property

ReadLoadResolutions method

Optional settings before loading:

PaintWhileLoad property

ProgressivePasses property


GetLoadResolution method

PCDRes property

SetLoadResolution method


LoadCompressed property

LoadIFD property

LoadInfo event

LoadInfoBits property

LoadInfoFlags property

LoadInfoFormat property

LoadInfoHeight property

LoadInfoOffset property

LoadInfoWidth property

LoadInfoXRes property

LoadInfoYRes property

LoadSigned property

LoadUseViewPerspective property

PDFDisplayDepth property

PDFGraphicsAlpha property

PDFTextAlpha property

PDFUseLibFonts property

PDFXResolution property

PDFYResolution property

Alternatives to load from a file on a disk:

Load method

LoadLayer method

LoadResize method

LoadStamp method

OLEDropAllowed property

OLEDropAutoLoad property

OLEDropFile event

Loading from the Internet or from a file on a disk:

BitmapDataPath property

BitmapDataPathClosed event (Main Control)

ReadyState property

ReadyStateChange event

Loading from a file in memory:

LoadArray method

LoadBuffer method

LoadMemory method

Loading multi-page files

EnableFilePageLoadedEvent property

FilePageLoaded event

Loading Embedded ICC Profiles

LoadICCProfile method

Where you supply the image data to load:

FeedLoad method

StartFeedLoad method

StopFeedLoad method

Events during a load:

Change event

FilePage event