LEADTOOLS Annotations (Leadtools.Annotations assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnTextPointerObject Class

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnTextPointerObject.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAnnTextPointerObject ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyAlignmentGets or sets a value that indicates the text alignment. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyBoundingRectangleOverridden. Gets the logical bounding rectangle of this AnnTextPointerObject object.  
Public PropertyBoundsGets or sets the bounding rectangle for this AnnRectangleObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRectangleObject)
Public PropertyBrushGets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnDrawable object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyContainerGets or sets the AnnContainer that contains this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyEdgeMarginGets or sets the margin between the text and the AnnRectangleObject.Bounds bounding rectangle. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyFixedPointerGets or sets a value that indicates whether the pointer of this AnnTextPointerObject object is fixed.  
Public PropertyFixedStateGets or sets the font and pen fixed state of this object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyFontGets or sets the AnnFont associated with this AnnDrawable object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyGripperDistanceThe distance in pixels that the RotateGripper control point is originally placed from the bounds of the AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyGroupGets or sets the AnnGroupObject that contains this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHasBrushGets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object has a brush. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyHasFontGets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object has a font. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyHasPenGets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object has a pen. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyHyperlinkGets or sets a string which represents the hyperlink for this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyInvalidRectangleGets the physical bounding rectangle of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyIsFixedStateStackEmptytrue if the fixed stack is empty; false otherwise. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyIsLockedGets a value that indicates whether this AnnObject is locked. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyLineAlignmentGets or sets the line alignment information. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameBackColorGets or sets the color used to fill the background of the name of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameBackColorXmlUsed internally by the LEADTOOLS framework. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameFontGets or sets the font used to draw the text of the name of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameForeColorGets or sets the color used to draw the text of the name of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameForeColorXmlUsed internally by the LEADTOOLS framework. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameOffsetGets or sets the name offset relative to the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameRestrictGets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnObject name is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the Container. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameVisibleGets or sets a value to determine whether to draw the name of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyOriginGets the logical origin of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyPasswordGets the password used in the last successful lock operation of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyPenGets or sets the AnnPen associated with this AnnDrawable object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyPhysicalTransformReturns the current physical transformation System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyPointerPositionGets or sets the position of this AnnTextPointerObject object's pointer.  
Public PropertyRotateCenterThe location of the rotate center control point. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyRotateGripperThe location of the rotate gripper control point. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertySerializePasswordGets or sets a value indicating whether the password is saved when this AnnObject is serialized. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertySupportsBrushGets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object supports a brush. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertySupportsFixedtrue if this AnnObject can be fixed; false otherwise (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertySupportsFontGets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object supports a font. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertySupportsPenGets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object supports a pen. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyTagGets or sets the tag of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the text string associated with this AnnTextObject class object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTextColorGets or sets the text System.Drawing.Color structure associated with this AnnDrawable object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyTextColorXmlUsed internally by the LEADTOOLS framework. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyTextImplementedGets a value that indicates whether this object implements the IAnnTextObject interface. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTextRotateGets or sets the rotation value. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTransformReturns the current transformation System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyTransformObjectModeOverridden. Gets a value that determines how to transform this AnnTextPointerObject when any object transformation method is called.  
Public PropertyUseBrushAsTextBackgroundGets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the brush to fill only the text area or all of the object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyUseGenericTypographicGets or sets a value that indicates whether or not to remove the default margin when setting the EdgeMargin property to an empty margin. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyUserDataGets or sets the user-defined data of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the AnnObject is visible. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyWin32ObjectIdOverridden. For internal use.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyHitTestInteriorGets a value indicating whether hit-testing should be performed inside this AnnTextObject object. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected PropertyUnitConverterGets the AnnUnitConverter that will be used in this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public Methods
Public MethodAutoSizeAdjusts this AnnTextObject object to where its bounds closely fit its contents. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public MethodCalculateRotateAngleThe AnnRectangleObject implementation of AnnObject.CalculateRotateAngle. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRectangleObject)
Public MethodCloneOverridden. Creates an exact copy of this AnnTextPointerObject object.  
Public MethodConvertLogicalToObjectPointsConverts an array of points from logical to object coordinates. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodConvertLogicalToObjectRectangleConverts a rectangle from logical to object coordinates. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodConvertObjectToLogicalPointsConverts an array of points from object to logical coordinates. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodConvertObjectToLogicalRectangleConverts a rectangle from object to logical coordinates. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Releases the resources used by the AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodDrawDraws this AnnObject on the specified surface. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodGetAreaGets the pixel count of the annotation object (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodGetFixedStateDetermines if this AnnObject is in a fixed state. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodGetGraphicsPathOverridden. Returns a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath representation of this AnnTextPointerObject.  
Public MethodGetObjectDataOverridden. Populates a specified System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize this object.  
Public MethodHitTestPerforms hit-testing on this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodLockLocks this AnnObject with the specified password. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodPopFixedStateRe-enables the fixed state of an AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodPushFixedStateTemporarily disables the fixed state of an AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodResetRotatePointsResets the RotateCenter and RotateGripper control points to a default location. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodResetTransformResets the transformation matrix of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodRestoreOriginalLocationThe AnnRectangleObject implementation of AnnObject.RestoreOriginalLocation. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRectangleObject)
Public MethodRestrictNameRestricts the name to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the Container of this AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodRotateRotates the transformation matrix of this AnnObject around a point. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodSaveOriginalLocationThe AnnRectangleObject implementation of AnnObject.SaveOriginalLocation. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRectangleObject)
Public MethodScaleScales the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified ratios. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodSetFixedStateSets the fixed state of an AnnObject. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodToStringOverridden. Converts the attributes of this AnnObject to a human-readable string. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodTransformRotatePointsApplies the transformer to the rotate control points. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodTranslateTranslates the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified values. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodUnlockUnlocks this AnnObject with the specified password. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodBeginDrawCalled by the Draw method to set up the object's PhysicalTransform matrix into the g graphics surface. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodCreateOverridden. Creates a new instance of this AnnTextPointerObject.  
Protected MethodDrawLockedDraws this AnnObject locked picture on the specified surface. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodDrawNameDraws this AnnObject name on the specified surface. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodDrawObjectDraws this AnnTextObject object on the specified surface. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodEndDrawCalled by the Draw method to reset the graphics transformation. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodFinalizeThis member overrides System.Object.Finalize. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodGetTransformPointsOverridden. Gets the array of points to be transformed.  
Protected MethodNameHitTestPerforms hit-testing on this AnnObject name. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodSetTransformPointsOverridden. Sets the array of transformed points.  
See Also


AnnTextPointerObject Class
Leadtools.Annotations Namespace



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