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#include "ltwrappr.h"

static L_DOUBLE LICCProfile::U8Fixed8NumberToDouble(uNumber)

L_UINT16 uNumber;

/* integer value */

Converts a 1-byte fixed, 1-byte fraction number format into a double fractional value.




Value that represents the 1-byte fixed, 1-byte fraction number value to be converted.


A double value that contains a fractional number that represents the value passed to the function.


This function is used for ICC profiles purposes. The number passed must be of type L_IccU8Fxed8Number.

This type consists of 2-bytes: 1-byte contains the fixed part of the number, and 1-byte contains the fractional part of the number.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LICCProfile::InitHeader, LICCProfile::Initialize, LICCProfile::SetCMMType, LICCProfile::SetColorSpace, LICCProfile::SetConnectionSpace, LICCProfile::SetCreator, LICCProfile::SetDateTime, LICCProfile::SetDeviceAttributes, LICCProfile::SetDeviceClass, LICCProfile::SetDevManufacturer, LICCProfile::SetDevModel, LICCProfile::SetFlags, LICCProfile::SetPrimaryPlatform, LICCProfile::SetRenderingIntent, LICCProfile::Convert2bFixed2bNumberToDouble, LICCProfile::CreateTagData, LICCProfile::DeleteTag, LICCProfile::ConvertDoubleTo2bFixed2bNumber, LICCProfile::FreeTagType, LICCProfile::GenerateFile, LICCProfile::GeneratePointer, LICCProfile::GetTagData, LICCProfile::GetTagTypeSig, LICCProfile::Save, LICCProfile::SetTagData, LICCProfile::Fill, LICCProfile::Load, LICCProfile::Free, LICCProfile::GetParametricCurveNumberOfParameters, LICCProfile::DoubleToU8Fixed8Number, LICCProfile::ConvertCLUTToBuffer, LICCProfile::ConvertCurveTypeToBuffer, LICCProfile::ConvertParametricCurveTypeToBuffer, LICCProfile::SetProfileId, Class Members


Using ICC Profile Functions


ICC Profile Functions: Tags


For an example, refer to LICCProfile::DoubleToU8Fixed8Number.

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