LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)

AnnTransformMode Enumeration

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Used with AnnObject.TransformMode to determine how to transform the object when any of the object transformation methods (AnnObject.Translate, AnnObject.Rotate and AnnObject.Scale) is called.
Public Enum AnnTransformMode 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As AnnTransformMode


public enum class AnnTransformMode : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x00000000AutoUse the System.Windows.UIElement.RenderTransform transform. This is the default mode used by most objects. Objects that have their AnnObject.TransformMode property set to Auto will support all transformations.
0x00000001PointsDo not use the System.Windows.UIElement.RenderTransform transform. This is used by some objects that do not support all transformation operations. For example, the AnnTextPointerObject does not support rotation, so it uses this mode to directly transform its bounding points.

This is similar to AnnTransformMode.Auto, but the rotate control points (AnnObject.RotateGripper and AnnObject.RotateCenter are also transformed by the System.Windows.UIElement.RenderTransform transform. This mode is used by AnnGroupObject and AnnFreehandHotspotObject.

For more information, refer to WPF Annotation Rotation Options.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Windows.Annotations Namespace



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