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Leadtools.ColorConversion Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools ColorConversion classes.

Class Description
ConversionParameters Provides information about the conversion options.
IccChromaticityTagType Contains the chromaticityType tag type data.
IccColorantOrderTagType Contains the colorantOrderType tag type data.
IccColorantTableTagType Contains the colorantTableType tag type data.
IccColorLookupTable16Bit Contains the color lookup table data (CLUT) encoding for the lutAtoBType or lutBToAType tag types.
IccColorLookupTable8Bit Contains the color lookup table data (CLUT) encoding for the lutAtoBType or lutBToAType tag types.
IccColorLookupTableBase Contains basic data required for both IccColorLookupTable8Bit and IccColorLookupTable16Bit classes.
IccCurveTagType Contains the curveType tag type data.
IccDataTagType Contains the dataType tag type data.
IccDateTimeTagType Contains the dateTimeType tag type data.
IccLookupTable16TagType Contains the lut16Type tag type data.
IccLookupTable8TagType Contains the lut8Type tag type data.
IccLookupTableAToBTagType Contains the lutAToBType tag type data.
IccLookupTableBToATagType Contains the lutBToAType tag type data.
IccMeasurementTagType Contains the measurementType tag type data.
IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType Contains the multiLocalizedUnicodeType tag type data.
IccNamedColor2TagType Contains the namedColor2Type tag type data.
IccParametricCurveTagType Contains the parametricCurveType tag type data.
IccProfileExtended Contains all of the data for a complete ICC profile.
IccProfileSequenceDescriptionTagType Contains the profileSequenceDescriptionType tag type data.
IccResponseCurveSet16TagType Contains the responseCurveSet1Type tag type data.
IccS15Fixed16ArrayTagType Contains the s15Fixed16ArrayType tag type data.
IccSignatureTagType Contians the signatureType tag type data.
IccTagTypeBase Contains basic data needed for each tag.
IccTextTagType Contains the textType tag type data.
IccTools Contains tools to be used with ICC classes and structures.
IccU16Fixed16ArrayTagType Contains the u16Fixed16ArrayType tag type data.
IccUint16ArrayTagType Contains the uInt16ArrayType tag type data.
IccUint32ArrayTagType Contains the uInt32ArrayType tag type data.
IccUint64ArrayTagType Contains the uInt64ArrayType tag type data.
IccUint8ArrayTagType Contains the uInt8ArrayType tag type data.
IccUnknownTagType Contains a private tag type data.
IccViewingConditionsTagType Contains the viewingConditionsType tag type data.
IccXyzTagType Contains the xyzType tag type data.
RasterColorConverterEngine Provides methods to convert between different color spaces using different methods and options.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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Leadtools.ColorConversion Assembly