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ConversionYuvParameters Structure Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ConversionYuvParameters.

Public Methods

Name Description
ToString Overridden. Returns a meaningful name for this method.

Public Properties

Name Description
Empty Gets an new empty structure.
MacroPixel Gets or sets the Macropixel size, which is the number of pixels in the unit pixels group.
Mask Gets or sets the YUV conversion masking value.
Offsets Gets or sets the offsets of the byte ordering for the proposed YUV format.
Planar Gets or sets a value indicating whether the buffer consists of the Y plane, V plane and U plane.
Range Gets or sets a value indicating the range of values in the input buffer.
UH Gets or sets the horizontal subsampling period of U.
UV Gets or sets the vertical subsampling period of U.
VH Gets or sets the horizontal subsampling period of V.
VV Gets or sets the vertical subsampling period of V.

Public Fields

Name Description
PlanarUvy Planes order, U, V, Y.
PlanarUyv Planes order, U, Y, V.
PlanarVuy Planes order, V, U, Y.
PlanarVyu Planes order, V, Y, U.
PlanarYuv Planes order, Y, U, V.
PlanarYvu Planes order, Y, V, U.
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Leadtools.ColorConversion Assembly