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MedicalViewerPlaneCutLine Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see MedicalViewerPlaneCutLine members

Public Properties

Name Description
Center Gets or sets the Point2D that represents the center point of the cut-line and double-cutline. (Inherited from MedicalViewerReferenceLine)
Color Gets or sets the cut-plane color along along with it's derivative cell color.
DerivativeCell Gets the cell that contains the derivative image.
Point1 Gets or sets the Point2D that represents the first point of the reference line. (Inherited from MedicalViewerReferenceLine)
Point2 Gets or sets the Point2D that represents the second point of the reference line. (Inherited from MedicalViewerReferenceLine)
SliceThickness Gets or sets the desired thickness of the generated slice resulted from the cut-line.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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Leadtools.MedicalViewer Assembly