ILMFH264Decoder Interface is the interface for LEAD H264 Decoder .
Type |
Name |
Description |
long |
DecodingOptions |
Accepts one or all values from eH264DecodingFlag. H264DecodingFlag_DecodeCorruptedStream:
The interval of Delivered Frame Notification in seconds. A value of Zero will disable notification sending. Values smaller than the time per frame (= 1.0 / frame rate) will cause the decoder to send a notification for each frame. The Notification ID is ltmfEC_Sample_Delivered. Values less than zero will not be accepted. This parameter can be changed while the decoder is running. |
Name |
Parameters |
Description |
None |
This method writes all of the decoder settings to the system registry. The next time the decoder is loaded, it retrieves the settings from the registry and applies them. |
eH264DecoderApiLevel ApiLevel
Resets decoder to default values. The ApiLevel determines which default values to use. Current applications should set ApiLevel to H264DecoderApiLevel_1 = 1. The H264 decoder might change in the future and have different properties or default behaviour. Calling this method ensure the transform will have the same default values as they were at the time you developed your application. It is recommended you call ResetToDefaultsEx(H264DecoderApiLevel_1) before you start setting properties and start calling other methods for this interface. |
These are the possible values for H264 decoding flags. These flags can be set in the SymbolMode property.
typedef enum
H264DecodingFlag_DecodeCorruptedStream = 0x00000001,
H264DecodingFlag_FillFrameGaps = 0x00000002,
H264DecodingFlag_DisplayGrayOnError = 0x00000004,
H264DecodingFlag_UseOneThread = 0x00000008
} eH264DecodingFlag;
typedef enum
ltmfEC_Sample_Delivered = 0xA000,
} ltmfMediaEventCode_;
typedef enum
H264DecoderApiLevel_1 = 0
} eH264DecoderApiLevel;