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D2DSurface Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by D2DSurface.

Public Constructors

Name Description
D2DSurface Initializes a new D2DSurface

Public Methods

Name Description
BeginDraw Initiates drawing on this surface.
Clear Clears the drawing area to the specified solid color brush.
CreateD2DBitmap Creates an instance of a D2D bitmap.
CreateD2DTileBrush Creates a D2DTileBrush from an instance of a System.Windows.Media.TileBrush.
Dispose Releases all resources used by this D2DSurface.
DrawArc Draws the outline of an elliptical arc using the specified D2DPen.
DrawEllipse Draws the outline of an ellipse having the specified dimensions with the specified D2DPen.
DrawGeometry Draws the outline of the specified geometry using the specified D2DPen.
DrawImage Draws the specified Leadtools.RasterImage to the size of the specified rectangle and opacity.
DrawLine Draws a line between the specified points using the specified D2DPen.
DrawPolygon Draws the outline of a polygon using an array of Point structures and the specified D2DPen.
DrawRectangle Draws the outline of a rectangle that has the specified dimensions and D2DPen.
DrawText Draws the specified text using the format information provided by an D2DFont object.
EndDraw Ends drawing operations on the surface and returns true to indicate the success of the operations.
FillArc Fills the interior of an elliptical arc using the specified brush.
FillEllipse Fills the interior of an ellipse using the specified brush.
FillGeometry Fills the interior of the specified geometry using the specified brush.
FillPolygon Fills the interior of a polygon using an array of Point and the specified brush.
FillRectangle Fills the interior of a rectangle that has the specified dimensions and the specified brush.
Invalidate Redraw the specified area in D2DSurface.
PopClip Removes the last clip rect from the surface. After this method is called, the clip is no longer applied to subsequent drawing operations.
PopLayer Stops redirecting drawing operations to the layer that is specified by the last PushLayer call.
PushClip Specifies a rectangle to which all subsequent drawing operations are clipped. until PopClip is called.
PushLayer Adds the specified layer to the surface so that it receives all subsequent drawing operations until PopLayer is called.
Restore Restores the D2DSurface drawing state to that of the specified D2DDrawingState.
Save Saves the current drawing state.
SetDpi Sets the dots per inch (DPI) of the surface.
SetTransform Applies the specified transform to the surface, replacing the existing transformation. All subsequent drawing operations occur in the transformed space.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Finalize This member overrides System.Object.Finalize.

Public Properties

Name Description
SurfaceSize Gets or sets the D2DSurface size.

Public Events

Name Description
IsFrontBufferAvailableChanged Occurs when the Front Buffer Available property changes.
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Leadtools.Windows.D2DRendering Assembly
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