AnnAutomation Class


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnAutomation members

Public Events

Name Description
activeContainerChanged Occurs when the active container of this object is changed.
afterObjectChanged Occurs when an AnnObject has changed.
afterUndoRedo Occurs after an undo or redo operation.
beforeObjectChanged Occurs when an AnnObject is about to be changed.
currentDesignerChanged Occurs when the current designer has been changed.
deserializeObjectError Occurs when an error occur during an object serialization operation.
dragDrop Occurs when an AnnObject is being dragged out of a container.
draw Occurs when an AnnObject is being drawn.
edit Occurs when an AnnObject is being edited.
editContent Occurs when the content of an AnnObject is edited.
editText Occurs when the text of an AnnObject is edited.
lockObject Occurs when an AnnObject is locked.
objectModified Occurs when one or more AnnObject has changed.
onShowContextMenu Occurs when the automation needs to show the context menu when no objects are selected.
onShowObjectProperties Occurs when the automation needs to show the properties dialog of the selected object.
restoreCursor Occurs when the automation has determine that the original cursor needs to be restored.
run Occurs when an AnnObject is being run.
selectedObjectsChanged Occurs when the selected object changes.
setCursor Occurs when the automation has determine that the user needs to change the cursor.
toolTip Occurs when the mouse hovers over an annotation object and a tooltip is requested.
undoRedoChanged Occurs when the undo or redo buffer changes.
unlockObject Occurs when an AnnObject is unlocked.
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Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Assembly
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