AnnAutomation Class


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnAutomation members

Public Properties

Name Description
active Gets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is active.
activeContainer Gets or sets the active container of the automation.
automationControl Gets the automation control for this AnnAutomation.
canAlign Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can align or change the size for selected objects based on alignment target.
canApplyAllDecryptors Gets a value that indicates whether any decryptor AnnEncryptObject object in this AnnAutomation can be applied.
canApplyAllEncryptors Gets a value that indicates whether any encryptor AnnEncryptObject object in this AnnAutomation can be applied.
canApplyDecryptor Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited is a decryptor AnnEncryptObject and can be applied.
canApplyEncryptor Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) is an encryptor AnnEncryptObject and can be applied.
canBringLayerToFirst Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where a layer can be brought up to the top of the z-order.
canBringLayerToFront Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where a layer can be brought up the z-order.
canBringToFirst Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can bring the currently selected object(s) to the top of the Z-order.
canBringToFront Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can bring the currently selected object(s) up in the Z-order.
canCopy Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where objects can be copied to the clipboard.
canDeleteObjects Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where objects can be deleted.
canFlip Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where objects can be flipped.
canGroup Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is in a state where objects can be grouped together.
canLock Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) can be locked.
canPaste Gets a value that indicates whether the clipboard contains annotation objects that can be pasted.
canRealizeAllRedactions Gets a value that indicates whether any of the AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation can be realized.
canRealizeRedaction Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) is an AnnRedactionObject and can be realized.
canRedo Gets a value indicating whether the user can redo the previous operation performed in this AnnAutomation.
canResetRotatePoints Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where the selected AnnObject is able to have its rotate controlpoints reset to the default location.
canRestoreAllRedactions Gets a value that indicates whether any AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation can be restored.
canRestoreRedaction Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) is a AnnRedactionObject and can be restored.
canSelectNone Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is in a state where it can deselect objects.
canSelectObjects Gets a value that indicates whether the this AnnAutomation is in a state where any object can be selected.
canSendLayerToBack Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where a layer can be sent down the z-order.
canSendLayerToLast Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where a layer can be sent to end of the z-order.
canSendToBack Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can send the currently selected object(s) down in the Z-order.
canSendToLast Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can send the currently selected object(s) to the bottom of the Z-order.
canShowObjectContextMenu Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where the object context menu can be displayed.
canShowObjectProperties Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where the object properties can be displayed.
canShowProperties Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where the user properties dialog can be displayed.
canUndo Gets a value that indicates whether the user can undo the previous operation performed in this AnnAutomation.
canUngroup Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is in a state where objects can be ungrouped.
canUnlock Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) can be unlocked.
container Gets the AnnContainer of this AnnAutomation.
containers The list of containers in this AnnAutomation when multi-containers mode is used.
currentDesigner Gets the current working designer.
currentEditObject Gets the current AnnObject being edited.
defaultCurrentObjectId Gets or sets the annotations object id to use when a draw designer finishes its operation.
enableDragDrop Gets or sets a value that indicates whether drag and drop is enabled in this AnnAutomation.
manager Returns the AnnAutomationManager that this AnnAutomation object belongs to.
undoCapacity Gets or sets a value that specifies the capacity of the undo/redo buffer.
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Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Assembly
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