DocumentViewer Commands


DocumentViewer uses the commands system to perform actions. Each command is a data structure that contains the unique name of the command, whether it can run at the current state of the Document Viewer, optional arguments and results. DocumentViewerCommands manages the commands of the DocumentViewer and can be accessed by the DocumentViewer.Commands property.

Commands are generally tied to a user interface element in the application. The command properties can be used to enable or disable the element (if the command cannot be run at this time), set its state (for example, a checked box) and run the action when the user select the element (such as clicking on a button or a menu item).

Why Use Commands

DocumentViewer contains many parts that must be kept in sync. These parts uses public LEADTOOLS classes and controls such as ImageViewer or AnnAutomation and all actions is performed using the public and documented properties and methods of the classes.

For example, the application has a menu item when clicked, sets the current interactive mode of the view to Pan/Zoom.

Pan/Zoom is one of the interactive modes added by DocumentViewer by default. Its ID is ImageViewerInteractiveMode.PanZoomModeId. Here are the steps required:

First thing, the application update the enabled/disabled state of the element as follows:

  • If the document viewer does not have a document set, then the element must be disabled

  • If the current interactive mode is already Pan/Zoom, then the element must be disabled (or checked and should not be invoked), but we will use disabled for this example

The above can be performed using this code snippet:

JavaScript Example
function updatePanZoomUIState() { 
   // First test 
   $("#panZoomElement").prop("disabled", !documentViewer.hasDocument); 
   if (documentViewer.hasDocument) { 
      // Find the Pan/Zoom interactive mode, see if it is already enabled 
      var panZoom = documentViewer.view.imageViewer.interactiveModes.findById(lt.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode.pPanZoomMode); 
      // Second test, see if the mode is already enabled 
      $("#panZoomElement").prop("disabled", panZoom.isEnabled); 

This will take care of the state of the element.

Next, when the user clicks the Pan/Zoom menu item, the application must perform the following:

  • We cannot just call ImageViewerInteractiveModes.EnableById since this will disable all the other interactive modes. We have to keep Annotations and Page Links modes enabled because they can be used along Pan/Zoom - when the user clicks an annotation object, it gets automated, when the user clicks on a page links, it must run and panning and zoom only happens when the user clicks outside these objects. So we must loop through all the modes, disable all but Pan/Zoom, Annotations and Page Links

  • If annotations is used, then we must cancel any current designers (for example, if we are in the middle of a multi-click operation to draw a new polyline) and we must set the current object ID in the toolbar back to Select.

  • Finally, we must call UpdatePanZoomUIState again to disable the menu item

The above can be performed using this code snippet:

JavaScript Example
function setPanZoom() { 
   // First action 
   for (var i = 0; i < documentViewer.view.imageViewer.count; i++) { 
      var mode = documentViewer.view.imageViewer.interactiveModes[i]; { 
      mode.isEnabled =  == lt.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode.panZoomMode ||  == lt.Documents.UI.DocumentViewer.annotationsInteractiveModeId ||  == lt.Documents.UI.DocumentViewer.pageLinksInteractiveModeId; 
   // Second action 
   // We cannot just call .automation, the annotations might not be loaded yet, so we must check for that 
   if(documentViewer.annotations != null && documentViewer.annotations.automation != null) { 
      documentViewer.annotations.automationManager.currentObjectId = lt.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.selectObjectId; 
   // Third action 

Running Commands

The above code must be exactly right to get all the parts of the document viewer in sync and this is only for a single simple action: Setting the current interactive mode.

DocumentViewer comes with a built in command that sets the pan/zoom interactive mode. The name of the command is %"Interactive.PanZoom":F:Leadtools.Documents.UI.DocumentViewerCommands.InteractivePanZoom%. We can use the commands system to replace the code in the two methods above using one line of code:

JavaScript Example
function updatePanZoomUIState() { 
   $("#panZoomElement").prop("disabled", !documentViewer.commands.canRun(lt.Documents.UI.DocumentViewerCommands.interactivePanZoom, null)); 
function setPanZoom() {, null); 

The built-in commands handle more complex actions cleanly and ensures that all part of the document viewer are kept in sync. Any command can be identified by a unique simple constant string, and thus, binding commands with the user interface can be achieved easily.

Command Parameters and Results

The null parameters passed to the CanRun and Run methods is because InteractivePanZoom does not take any parameters. Some commands such PageGoto required a parameter (the page number in this case) and must be invoked like this:

JavaScript Example
// Goto page number 10 in the viewer, 10); 

The parameters of a command is a generic object type. The command will perform the necessary conversion if required - to an integer value in the case of PageGoto.

CanRun will also take a parameter for these commands:

value = documentViewer.commands.canRun(lt.Documents.UI.DocumentViewerCommands.pageGoto, 10);

And "value" will be true if we have a document, the document has at least 10 pages or more and the current page number is not 10 already. Otherwise; false.

Run always return the result from running the command and this result is also a generic object. The commands we discussed above all return null since they do not return any results. Some commands like TextExport will return the text of a page (or the document) as a string object. Note that TextExport also accepts the page number as a parameter, or if null or 0 passed, will return the text for all the pages:

JavaScript Example
// Get the text for page number 10 as a string 
var text =, 10); 

State Commands

In addition to CanRun and Run, some commands contain a boolean state. For example, the InteractiveAutoPan can be used to enable/disable auto-panning that is used along the other interactive modes. The user interface element these commands usually uses a check mark to indicate the state. The application can use this command as follows:

JavaScript Example
function updateAutoPanUItate() { 
   // Can we run the command? 
   $("#autoPanElement").prop("disabled", !documentViewer.commands.canRun(lt.Documents.UI.DocumentViewerCommands.interactiveAutoPan, null)); 
   // Get the command 
   var command = documentViewer.commands.getCommand(lt.Documents.UI.DocumentViewerCommands.interactiveAutoPan); 
   // Use its current state 
   $("#autoPanElement").prop("checked", command.state); 
function flipAutoPan() { 
   // Just call Run, the command knows it has a state and will flip it automatically, enabling or disabling auto-pan accordingly, null); 

Slow Commands

Although most of the actions performed on the document viewer are instant, some operations might take a considerable amount of time depending on the viewer state and the data requested.

For example, the TextExport command discussed above parses the text from the DocumentPageText object of a page obtained using DocumentPage.GetText. This method parses the text from the page using either SVG or OCR technologies and especially in the latter case, can take seconds to return. DocumentViewerText caches the DocumentPageText objects for the pages internally once they are obtained. The first time the text of a page might be slow, but subsequent requests are instant.

TextExport performs the following (simplified and ignoring the DocumentViewer.Operation events involved):

  1. Checks if Text has a DocumentPageText object for the requested page cached, if so, it will parse the text and return the result and exits - this operation is instant.

  2. Next, it will check the value Text.AutoGetText, if this value is false, then the application requested that DocumentPage.GetText not to be invoked instantly. Thus the method returns an empty string - this operation is instant.

  3. If the value of Text.AutoGetText is true, then DocumentPage.GetText is invoked and if the original document does not support SVG (such as a TIFF or raster PDF document), then the operation will use OCR and might take a few seconds to return. Text will wait for this to finish, caches the DocumentPageText before parses the data from it and returning - this operation is slow.

  4. The next time TextExport is called on this same page, and as described in the first step, the text is parsed from the cached data and the result is returned. DocumentPage.GetText is not called - this operation is instant.

From the above, calling Run with TextExport may not return control to the application immediately. If this command is to be performed from a user interface element directly then the UI thread of the application will freeze and not be responsive till the method return.

One solution is to perform the following when the user select the Text Export UI element:

  1. Show a busy dialog

  2. Run the command in a separate thread

  3. When the command returns, hide the busy dialog

This will work but have the negative effect of showing/hiding this busy dialog always, even if the command will be instant (as in most of the cases described above). In most applications this will result in the undesirable action of the screen flickering for a moment.

The other option is to use the DocumentViewerCommands.IsSlow method. Each command will return true or false based on its internal current state and calculation. As described above in the case of TextExport. Here is the solution described above to handle Text Export UI element but with using IsSlow:

  1. Call documentCommands.isSlow(DocumentViewerCommands.textExport, 10)

  2. If the result is true, show a busy dialog, run the command in a separate thread and then hide the busy dialog on completion

  3. If the result is false, run the command directly in the UI thread

This will eliminate the flickering problem described above but not showing the busy dialog unless required.

DocumentViewerCommand Class

DocumentViewerCommand holds the data for each command. This class contains the following members:

Member Description

Unique name of the command


Callback to use when checking this command can run using a value


Callback to use to run the command with a value


Callback to use to check if the command will be slow when run using a value


Current value of the command


Indicates whether this command uses a state


Current state value of the command

All the built-in commands are instance of DocumentViewerCommand objects that are initialized and ready to use. The callbacks are what gets used with DocumentViewerCommands.Run, DocumentViewerCommands.CanRun and DocumentViewerCommands.IsSlow are called.

DocumentViewerCommands Class

DocumentViewerCommands manages the commands of the DocumentViewer and can be accessed by the DocumentViewer.Commands property. Internally it stores a dictionary of all the commands of the document viewer. The key is the command unique name and the value is the corresponding DocumentViewerCommand object. It has the following members:

Member Description

Gets the DocumentViewerCommand with the specified name


Checks if a command can run with a specified value


Runs a command with the specified value


Checks if running a command will be slow with the specified value

Built-in Commands

DocumentViewer comes with the following built-in commands that can used right away. All the commands are initialized when DocumentViewer is created and stored in the DocumentViewerCommands class.

Page Commands

These commands use DocumentViewer.GotoPage

Command Value parameter Returns Description
Page.First None None

Go to the first page in the document

Page.Next None None

Go to the next page in the document

Page.Previous None None

Go to the previous page in the document

Page.Last None None

Go to the last page in the document

Page.Goto int pageNumber None

Go to the specified page number

View Commands

These commands use DocumentViewerView and its ImageViewer

Command Value parameter Returns Description
View.ZoomIn None None

Zooms the view in by DocumentViewerView.ZoomRatio

View.ZoomOut None None

Zooms the view out by ZoomRatio

View.ZoomPercentage double percentage None

Zooms the view by the specified percentage

View.FitWidth None None

Fits the page width in the view

View.FitPage None None

Fits the page in the view

View.ActualSize None None

Show the actual size of the page in the view

View.RotateClockwise None None

Rotates the view 90 degrees clockwise

View.RotateCounterClockwise None None

Rotates the view 90 degrees counter clockwise

View.ItemType DocumentViewerItemType value None

Sets the view item type to the value

Layout Commands

These commands use pre-defined ImageViewerViewLayout objects to set in the view's ImageViewer

Command Value parameter Returns Description
Layout.Single None None

Sets the single layout in the View

Layout.Vertical None None

Sets the vertical layout in the View

Layout.Double None None

Sets the double layout in the View

Layout.Horizontal None None

Sets the horizontal layout in the view

Interactive Commands

These commands use pre-defined ImageViewerInteractiveMode objects to set in the view's ImageViewer

Command Value parameter Returns Description
Interactive.PanZoom None None

Sets pan/zoom as the current interactive mode

Interactive.Pan None None

Sets pan as the current interactive mode

Interactive.Zoom None None

Sets zoom as the current interactive mode

Interactive.ZoomTo None None

Sets zoom to as the current interactive mode

Interactive.MagnifyGlass None None

Sets magnify glass as the current interactive mode

Interactive.RubberBand None None

Sets the generic rubber band as the current interactive mode

Interactive.SelectText None None

Sets select text as the current interactive mode

Interactive.AutoPan None None

Enable/Disable auto pan interactive mode

Text Commands

These commands use methods from DocumentViewerText.

Command Value parameter Returns Description
Text.Copy int pageNumber None

Calls DocumentViewerText.Copy(pageNumber)

Text.SelectAll None None

Calls DocumentViewerText.SelectAll

Text.ClearSelection None None

Calls DocumentViewerText.ClearSelection

Text.Export int pageNumber string

Calls DocumentViewerText.ExportText(pageNumber)

Text.FindNext None List of DocumentViewerTextItem or null

Calls DocumentViewerText.Find(DocumentViewerText.LastFindText, false, true)

Text.FindPrevious None List of DocumentViewerTextItem or null

Calls DocumentViewerText.Find(DocumentViewerText.LastFindText, false, false)

Text.Get int pageNumber None

Calls DocumentViewerText.GetDocumentPageText(pageNumber) or DocumentViewerText.GetAllDocumentPageText if pageNumber is 0

Annotation Commands

These commands use methods from DocumentViewerAnnotations and AnnAutomation. These commands provides the necessary checks to make sure the methods can be called without errors.

Command Value parameter Returns Description
Annotations.Undo None None

Calls AnnAutomation.Undo

Annotations.Redo None None

Calls AnnAutomation.Redo

Annotations.Cut None None

Calls AnnAutomation.Copy and AnnAutomation.DeleteSelectedObjects

Annotations.Copy None None

Calls AnnAutomation.Copy

Annotations.Paste LeadPointD position None

Calls AnnAutomation.Paste(position)

Annotations.Delete None None

Calls AnnAutomation.DeleteSelectedObjects

Annotations.SelectAll int pageNumber None

Calls AnnAutomation.SelectObjects((all objects of the container in page number)

Annotations.ClearSelection None None

Calls AnnAutomation.SelectObjects(null)

Annotations.UserModeDesign None None

Sets AnnAutomationManager.UserMode to AnnUserMode.Design

Annotations.UserModeRun None None

Sets AnnAutomationManager.UserMode to AnnUserMode.Run

Annotations.UserModeRender None None

Sets AnnAutomationManager.UserMode to AnnUserMode.Render

Annotations.BringToFront None None

Calls AnnAutomation.BringToFront(false)

Annotations.SendToBack None None

Calls AnnAutomation.SendToBack(false)

Annotations.BringToFirst None None

Calls AnnAutomation.BringToFrong(true)

Annotations.SendToLast None None

Calls AnnAutomation.SendToBack(true)

Annotations.Flip None None

Calls AnnAutomation.Flip(false)

Annotations.Reverse None None

Calls AnnAutomation.Flip(true)

Annotations.Group string groupName None

Calls DocumentViewerAnnotations.GroupSelectedObjects(groupName)

Annotations.Ungroup None None

Calls DocumentViewerAnnotations.UngroupSelectedObjects

Annotations.Lock None None

Calls AnnAutomation.Lock

Annotations.Unlock None None

Calls AnnAutomation.Unlock

Annotations.ResetRotatePoints None None

Calls AnnAutomation.ResetRotatePoints

Annotations.AntiAlias None None

Flips the state of IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationAntiAlias

Annotations.Properties None None

Calls AnnAutomation.ShowObjectProperties

Annotations.UseRotateThumbs None None

Flips the state of DocumentViewerAnnotations.UseRotateThumbs

Annotations.EnableToolTips None None

Flips the state of AnnAutomationManager.EnableToolTip

Annotations.RenderOnThumbnails None None

Flips the state of DocumentViewerAnnotations.RenderOnThumbnails

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