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JpipRasterImageViewer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see JpipRasterImageViewer members

Public Methods

Name Description
Close Stops any communiction, processing and decoding and then closes the object.
DeleteCacheFiles Deletes the cache files in the specified folder and last access System.DateTime.
GetMetaDataBinCount Returns the number of metadata boxes available for the image.
GetResolutionSize Gets the size of a particular resolution.
Open Opens a file on the server and loads meta-data, the header, and the lowest resolution that fits the view window.
ReadMetaDataBin Retrieve the specified metadata box for the opened image.
SetCodeStreamIndex Set the code-stream (page) index of the opened image.
Zoom Zooms in or out to any desired size.
ZoomIn Zooms in to a higher resolution in a specific location
ZoomOut Zooms out to a lower resolution in a specific location

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose(Boolean) Cleans up any resources being used.
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