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JpipRasterImageViewer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see JpipRasterImageViewer members

Public Properties

Name Description
AutoResetScaleFactor Enables the automatic reset of the ScaleFactor property.
AutoResetScrollPosition Enables the automatic reset of the Leadtools.WinForms.RasterImageViewer.ScrollPosition property.
AutoScroll Enables scroll bars to automatically appearing when the control contents are larger than its visible area.
CacheDirectoryName Gets or sets the name of the cache directory.
ChannelType Gets or sets the channel type for JPIP .
CodeStream Returns the current image code-stream (page).
CodeStreamCount Returns the number of available code-streams (pages).
ComponentIndex Gets or sets the index of the component to be displayed.
CurrentImageSize Gets the size of the image at the current resolution.
CurrentResolutionIndex Index for the resolution of the displayed image.
FullImageSize Gets the size of the JPEG2000 Image at its largest resolution.
HorizontalAlignMode Gets or sets a value to determine how to center the image in the client area of the control horizontally, when the width of the destination rectangle is smaller than the width of the client area.
Image Gets or sets the image currently assigned for display by the control.
InteractiveMode Gets or sets the value that controls user interaction with the control's display.
IPAddress Gets or sets the IP address of the JPIP client.
IsActive Determines whether an image is loaded.
NumberOfColorComponents Number of color components in the loaded JPEG2000 file.
NumberOfResolutions Gets the number of resolutions available in the loaded JPEG2000 file.
PacketSize Gets or sets the packet size in bytes.
PaintProperties Gets or sets the RasterPaintProperties which controls the painting of item images in this control.
PortNumber Gets or sets the JPIP client port number.
RequestTimeout Gets or sets the delay in seconds for client requests.
ScaleFactor The zoom factor used to display the image.
SizeMode Determines how to align the image in the destination rectangle.
VerticalAlignMode Gets or sets a value to determine how to center the image in the client area of the control, when the height of the destination rectangle is smaller than the height of the client area.
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