The list of error codes for generic collection thrown exceptions.
Value | Member | Description |
0x80004001 | E_NOTIMPL | Method is not supported. |
0x80004003 | E_POINTER | NULL pointer argument. |
0x80004005 | E_FAIL | Failure. |
0x8000FFFF | E_UNEXPECTED | Unexpected error. |
0x80048000 | LTMS_E_WRONG_STATE | The server is in the wrong state to perform the requested operation. |
0x80048001 | LTMS_E_INVALID_LICENSE | The license is not valid. |
0x80048002 | LTMS_E_STREAMING_NOT_ENABLED | The license does not allow streaming. |
0x80048004 | LTMS_E_NOT_LICENSED | The server is not licensed. |
0x80048005 | LTMS_E_LICENSE_EXPIRED | The license has expired. |
0x80048006 | LTMS_E_SERVER_LICENSE_CONNECT | Failed to connect to the license server. |
0x80048007 | LTMS_E_SERVER_LICENSE | The license does not support server operation. |
0x80048008 | LTMS_E_SERVER_LICENSE_NOT_ACTIVATED | The license is not activated. |
0x80048009 | LTMS_E_SERVER_DEVICES_NOT_LOCKED | The Media Streaming server devices are unlocked. |
0x8004800A | LTMS_E_SERVER_DEVICES_LOCKED | The Media Streaming server devices are locked. |
0x8007000E | E_OUTOFMEMORY | Insufficient memory. |
0x80070057 | E_INVALIDARG | Argument is invalid. |
0x00000000 | NOERROR | No error. Numerically equivalent to S_OK. |
0x00000000 | S_OK | Success. Numerically equivalent to NOERROR. |
0x00000001 | S_FALSE | Success. Condition was FALSE. |
The LEADTOOLS Media Streaming SDK returns error and success notifications to applications in the form of HRESULT values.
A return code's LOWORD portion is the return code itself, in hexadecimal format.
The COM Win32 HRESULT documentation contains more information, including how to use the FAILED and SUCCEEDED macros to test return values.
If the error is not in the following list, you must convert the decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent, and then look for the error as described previously. Note that the error's hexadecimal version will be a maximum of four digits long; to find the error, match the last four digits of the hexadecimal code in the error code list to the converted run-time error.
Some components will convert DOS error codes to 0x8003zzzz, where "zzzz" is the error code. For example, the DOS error code ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND (0x03) is converted to 0x80030003. For a complete list, see the GetLastError function in the Microsoft Platform SDK documentation.
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