Queries or sets whether to use device encoding.
public bool UseDeviceEncoding {get; set;}
Public Property UseDeviceEncoding As Boolean
if true then the device encoding should be used. if false it will not be used.
If a selected device outputs the proper encoding, then setting it to true will not recompress the output. In this case, all the output encoding parameters will be ignored. Not every device outputs data that performs well with all the streaming protocols, hence evaluate the use of this option on a per device basis.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.MediaStreaming;
public Server _server = null;
public bool _result = false;
public void PrintLiveStreamsExample()
string strLiveStreams = "";
// create an instance of the server object
_server = new Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server();
// retrieve a copy of the Live Streams
LiveStreams Streams = _server.GetLiveStreams();
strLiveStreams += string.Format("--- Live Streams (count = {0}) ---\n\n", Streams.Count.ToString());
// print the all live streams properties to a string
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < Streams.Count; nIndex++)
LiveStream stream = Streams.GetLiveStream(nIndex);
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Live Stream[{0}]: Path = \"{1}\".\n", nIndex.ToString(), stream.Path);
int nSelection = stream.VideoDevices.Selection;
string strDevice = "";
if (nSelection < 0)
strDevice = "<none selected>";
strDevice = stream.VideoDevices[nSelection].FriendlyName;
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Video Device = \"{0}\".\n", strDevice);
nSelection = stream.AudioDevices.Selection;
strDevice = "";
if (nSelection < 0)
strDevice = "<none selected>";
strDevice = stream.AudioDevices[nSelection].FriendlyName;
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Audio Device = \"{0}\".\n", strDevice);
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Video Width = \"{0}\".\n", stream.VideoWidth.ToString());
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Video Height = \"{0}\".\n", stream.VideoHeight.ToString());
if (stream.UseVideoInputSize)
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Use Video Input Size = \"true\".\n");
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Use Video Input Size = \"false\".\n");
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Video Frame Rate = \"{0}\".\n", stream.VideoFrameRate.ToString());
if (stream.UseVideoInputFrameRate)
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = \"true\".\n");
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = \"false\".\n");
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Video Bit Rate = \"{0}\".\n", stream.VideoBitRate.ToString());
if (stream.QSVAcceleration)
strLiveStreams += string.Format("QSVAcceleration = \"true\".\n");
strLiveStreams += string.Format("QSVAcceleration = \"false\".\n");
if (stream.CUDAAcceleration)
strLiveStreams += string.Format("CUDAAcceleration = \"true\".\n");
strLiveStreams += string.Format("CUDAAcceleration = \"false\".\n");
nSelection = stream.AudioTypes.Selection;
string strType = "";
if (nSelection < 0)
strType = "<none selected>";
strType = stream.AudioTypes[nSelection].FriendlyName;
if (stream.UseDeviceEncoding)
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Use Device Encoding = \"true\".\n");
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Use Device Encoding = \"false\".\n");
strLiveStreams += string.Format("Minimum Fragment Duration = \"{0}\".\n", stream.MinimumFragmentDuration.ToString());
// display a message contains the Live Streams information string
MessageBox.Show(strLiveStreams, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
_result = true;
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.MediaStreaming
Public _server As Server = Nothing
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public Sub PrintLiveStreamsExample()
Dim strLiveStreams As String = ""
' create an instance of the server object
_server = New Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server()
' retrieve a copy of the Live Streams
Dim Streams As LiveStreams = _server.GetLiveStreams()
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("--- Live Streams (count = {0}) ---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, Streams.Count.ToString())
' print the all live streams properties to a string
Dim nIndex As Integer = 0
Do While nIndex < Streams.Count
Dim stream As LiveStream = Streams.GetLiveStream(nIndex)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Live Stream[{0}]: Path = ""{1}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), stream.Path)
Dim nSelection As Integer = stream.VideoDevices.Selection
Dim strDevice As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.VideoDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
nSelection = stream.AudioDevices.Selection
strDevice = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.AudioDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Audio Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Width = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoWidth.ToString())
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Height = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoHeight.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputSize Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Frame Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoFrameRate.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputFrameRate Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Bit Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoBitRate.ToString())
If stream.QSVAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
If stream.CUDAAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
nSelection = stream.AudioTypes.Selection
Dim strType As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strType = "<none selected>"
strType = stream.AudioTypes(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
If stream.UseDeviceEncoding Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Minimum Fragment Duration = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.MinimumFragmentDuration.ToString())
nIndex += 1
' display a message contains the Live Streams information string
MessageBox.Show(strLiveStreams, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
_result = True
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
End Sub
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.MediaStreaming
Public _server As Server = Nothing
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public Sub PrintLiveStreamsExample()
Dim strLiveStreams As String = ""
' create an instance of the server object
_server = New Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server()
' retrieve a copy of the Live Streams
Dim Streams As LiveStreams = _server.GetLiveStreams()
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("--- Live Streams (count = {0}) ---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, Streams.Count.ToString())
' print the all live streams properties to a string
Dim nIndex As Integer = 0
Do While nIndex < Streams.Count
Dim stream As LiveStream = Streams.GetLiveStream(nIndex)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Live Stream[{0}]: Path = ""{1}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), stream.Path)
Dim nSelection As Integer = stream.VideoDevices.Selection
Dim strDevice As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.VideoDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
nSelection = stream.AudioDevices.Selection
strDevice = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.AudioDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Audio Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Width = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoWidth.ToString())
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Height = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoHeight.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputSize Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Frame Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoFrameRate.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputFrameRate Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Bit Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoBitRate.ToString())
If stream.QSVAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
If stream.CUDAAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
nSelection = stream.AudioTypes.Selection
Dim strType As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strType = "<none selected>"
strType = stream.AudioTypes(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
If stream.UseDeviceEncoding Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Minimum Fragment Duration = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.MinimumFragmentDuration.ToString())
nIndex += 1
' display a message contains the Live Streams information string
MessageBox.Show(strLiveStreams, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
_result = True
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
End Sub
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.MediaStreaming
Public _server As Server = Nothing
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public Sub PrintLiveStreamsExample()
Dim strLiveStreams As String = ""
' create an instance of the server object
_server = New Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server()
' retrieve a copy of the Live Streams
Dim Streams As LiveStreams = _server.GetLiveStreams()
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("--- Live Streams (count = {0}) ---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, Streams.Count.ToString())
' print the all live streams properties to a string
Dim nIndex As Integer = 0
Do While nIndex < Streams.Count
Dim stream As LiveStream = Streams.GetLiveStream(nIndex)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Live Stream[{0}]: Path = ""{1}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), stream.Path)
Dim nSelection As Integer = stream.VideoDevices.Selection
Dim strDevice As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.VideoDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
nSelection = stream.AudioDevices.Selection
strDevice = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.AudioDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Audio Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Width = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoWidth.ToString())
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Height = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoHeight.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputSize Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Frame Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoFrameRate.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputFrameRate Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Bit Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoBitRate.ToString())
If stream.QSVAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
If stream.CUDAAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
nSelection = stream.AudioTypes.Selection
Dim strType As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strType = "<none selected>"
strType = stream.AudioTypes(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
If stream.UseDeviceEncoding Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Minimum Fragment Duration = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.MinimumFragmentDuration.ToString())
nIndex += 1
' display a message contains the Live Streams information string
MessageBox.Show(strLiveStreams, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
_result = True
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
End Sub
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.MediaStreaming
Public _server As Server = Nothing
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public Sub PrintLiveStreamsExample()
Dim strLiveStreams As String = ""
' create an instance of the server object
_server = New Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server()
' retrieve a copy of the Live Streams
Dim Streams As LiveStreams = _server.GetLiveStreams()
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("--- Live Streams (count = {0}) ---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, Streams.Count.ToString())
' print the all live streams properties to a string
Dim nIndex As Integer = 0
Do While nIndex < Streams.Count
Dim stream As LiveStream = Streams.GetLiveStream(nIndex)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Live Stream[{0}]: Path = ""{1}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), stream.Path)
Dim nSelection As Integer = stream.VideoDevices.Selection
Dim strDevice As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.VideoDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
nSelection = stream.AudioDevices.Selection
strDevice = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.AudioDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Audio Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Width = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoWidth.ToString())
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Height = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoHeight.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputSize Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Frame Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoFrameRate.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputFrameRate Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Bit Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoBitRate.ToString())
If stream.QSVAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
If stream.CUDAAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
nSelection = stream.AudioTypes.Selection
Dim strType As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strType = "<none selected>"
strType = stream.AudioTypes(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
If stream.UseDeviceEncoding Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Minimum Fragment Duration = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.MinimumFragmentDuration.ToString())
nIndex += 1
' display a message contains the Live Streams information string
MessageBox.Show(strLiveStreams, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
_result = True
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
End Sub
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.MediaStreaming
Public _server As Server = Nothing
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public Sub PrintLiveStreamsExample()
Dim strLiveStreams As String = ""
' create an instance of the server object
_server = New Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server()
' retrieve a copy of the Live Streams
Dim Streams As LiveStreams = _server.GetLiveStreams()
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("--- Live Streams (count = {0}) ---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, Streams.Count.ToString())
' print the all live streams properties to a string
Dim nIndex As Integer = 0
Do While nIndex < Streams.Count
Dim stream As LiveStream = Streams.GetLiveStream(nIndex)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Live Stream[{0}]: Path = ""{1}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), stream.Path)
Dim nSelection As Integer = stream.VideoDevices.Selection
Dim strDevice As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.VideoDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
nSelection = stream.AudioDevices.Selection
strDevice = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.AudioDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Audio Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Width = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoWidth.ToString())
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Height = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoHeight.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputSize Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Frame Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoFrameRate.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputFrameRate Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Bit Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoBitRate.ToString())
If stream.QSVAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
If stream.CUDAAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
nSelection = stream.AudioTypes.Selection
Dim strType As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strType = "<none selected>"
strType = stream.AudioTypes(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
If stream.UseDeviceEncoding Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Minimum Fragment Duration = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.MinimumFragmentDuration.ToString())
nIndex += 1
' display a message contains the Live Streams information string
MessageBox.Show(strLiveStreams, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
_result = True
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
End Sub
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.MediaStreaming
Public _server As Server = Nothing
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public Sub PrintLiveStreamsExample()
Dim strLiveStreams As String = ""
' create an instance of the server object
_server = New Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server()
' retrieve a copy of the Live Streams
Dim Streams As LiveStreams = _server.GetLiveStreams()
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("--- Live Streams (count = {0}) ---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, Streams.Count.ToString())
' print the all live streams properties to a string
Dim nIndex As Integer = 0
Do While nIndex < Streams.Count
Dim stream As LiveStream = Streams.GetLiveStream(nIndex)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Live Stream[{0}]: Path = ""{1}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), stream.Path)
Dim nSelection As Integer = stream.VideoDevices.Selection
Dim strDevice As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.VideoDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
nSelection = stream.AudioDevices.Selection
strDevice = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strDevice = "<none selected>"
strDevice = stream.AudioDevices(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Audio Device = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, strDevice)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Width = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoWidth.ToString())
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Height = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoHeight.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputSize Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Size = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Frame Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoFrameRate.ToString())
If stream.UseVideoInputFrameRate Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Video Input Frame Rate = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Video Bit Rate = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.VideoBitRate.ToString())
If stream.QSVAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("QSVAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
If stream.CUDAAcceleration Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("CUDAAcceleration = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
nSelection = stream.AudioTypes.Selection
Dim strType As String = ""
If nSelection < 0 Then
strType = "<none selected>"
strType = stream.AudioTypes(nSelection).FriendlyName
End If
If stream.UseDeviceEncoding Then
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""true""." & Constants.vbLf)
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Use Device Encoding = ""false""." & Constants.vbLf)
End If
strLiveStreams &= String.Format("Minimum Fragment Duration = ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, stream.MinimumFragmentDuration.ToString())
nIndex += 1
' display a message contains the Live Streams information string
MessageBox.Show(strLiveStreams, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
_result = True
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
End Sub
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